[@Inkarnate] My worst habit in roleplays is my lack of tolerance, honestly. Sometimes i get triggered by even small things in a roleplay. I get gripped by mistakes that are easily fixable: Broken coding, the lack of grammar when a character is speaking, stuff like that. It kind of takes me out of a roleplay, or at least my interactions with a specific person, causing me to occasionally be a distant person in the RP: Someone not in the OOC much, posting in the IC when I'm ready, ect. I've found groups I'm comfortable with, but even they have things I gripe about. Those people pay attention and respond to me, however, and we end up improving each-other's outlooks on occasion. I do think it's a serious problem of mine, though it's not something that I find easily fixable. I simply try to not harm others with it; Leaving a roleplay before aggression sets in.