[center][@DeadBeatWalking][/center] It's [b]Deputy Hawkeye's[/b] turn. Is he currently dual wielding his pistols or equipping one? If he has one hand free, Deputy Hawkeye can attack the Void Spiders [i]before[/i] his turn starts (he is unable to get Line of Sight on the Void Hound until it has already moved, but the spiders are in range before they move) as a [b]free attack[/b]. For his turn, [b]Deputy Hawkeye[/b] has [b]7 movement[/b] (due to rolling a 1, new determination/movement rules) this turn. He witnesses the Spiders charging towards him, desperate to get past to the exit. He hears a call of warning from Dan and see's a Void Hound bound up to the bridge. What would he like to do?