[b][i]Thunk.[/i][/b] Eryx watched as a knife spun by him, his eyes moving to it instantly. He looked to the knife, then it's target, and the knife again. [i]Tad unnecessary.[/i] He thought before it slammed into the guard's neck. As the man fell over, attempting to gold his wound shut, Eryx had his own problem. His partner had ran right at them, so much for sticking together, but as long as he lived. The mounted guard that charged forward isn't the one Eryx was waiting for though, he'd wanted the captain alive for leverage, but too late. As predicted, the warrior charged in practically a straigt line, his sword outstretched to impale Eryx. Years of martial training as well as his enhanced perception came immediately into play, Eryx crouched slightly more to adjust for the new target's speed and lifted himself off the ground. [i]Heavy blade still....[/i] His left hand comes forward, pushing the blade down in a parry to keep it from getting too close as his body rotates. His right leg lifts over the man as the left closes around his throat, violently jerking him from the horse. The two fall quickly to the ground, Eryx seemingly unbothered that he landed right on his ass, though his legs were tight around his opponents neck. "Relax, you'll wake up." Eryx whispers to the guardsman, squeezing harder for those final moments before he felt the guard was soundly out. "Sleeping on the job, hard tonfind good help these days." He remarks finally as he stands, starting to run over to the carriage. "Run or get on, I'm sure we'll regroup!" Eryx yells as he runs to the caravan, yanking the corpse of the man who was stabbed out of the way. He was going to drive the cart through the city, into the slums. Nobody there had to know what was inside, just that the guards were coming, and last time he was here the two didn't mix. Homeless cannon fodder wasn't normally his style, but risk versus reward. "Time to go..." He mutters as he climbs the horse, tapping it's sides.