[h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] The only respectful and polite way to finally greet the boy who had aided her was to bow. However, before she could really do anything else, he suddenly apologized and grabbed her by the hand. Surprised, Youmu couldn't really do much to resist for a moment as she was pulled along. The... police? Why would they react poorly? Hadn't she just helped them take out a bunch of ruffians who were hurting people and causing panic? Youmu simply couldn't fathom why that would be the case. However, she didn't resist, either, feeling that he likely had no ill intent. However, that didn't mean she was exactly happy with this arrangement either. "... You could have just asked me to follow you, you know..." she complained as she was pulled through the alleys. Soon enough, however, they came across a family it took a moment for Youmu to recognize. However, once they spoke, the recognition dawned on the small white-haired girl. The family that had been in the vehicle she'd prevented from crashing. She elected to remain silent for the moment, part of her mind still focused on the information being relayed to her by her phantom half. This outside world city was truly enormous... However, when the girl seemed to look up at her with shining eyes, Youmu gave her a smile. They were allowing them to stay in their home? Well... Until Youmu figured out how she return to Yuyuko-sama, she reluctantly agreed to the idea of needing somewhere to stay. Still, it wouldn't be long. She had to make her way back to Yuyuko-sama's side! Her duty was to Yuyuko-sama! Her life was sworn to Yuyuko-sama's service! She bowed again. "Thank you for your hospitality, Leaton-san," she began, before straightening and beginning to follow Leonardo and the Leaton family. After a moment's pause, she continued to speak. "I apologize for having not introduced myself, ah..." she scratched the back of her head, somewhat awkwardly. "My name is Konpaku Youmu, and thank you once again." There wasn't anywhere to put her shoes before fully entering the house... so she slipped off her footwear and left them as close to the doorway as possible. [@PKMNB0Y] [hr] [h2]Vita[/h2] She had a room to herself. She didn't like it. Oh, it's not that the room itself was bad in any way. Far from it. It was a very nice room. But she was still stewing in frustration from the earlier, and now... Well, Hayate wasn't here. It couldn't be her home if Hayate wasn't here. It was where she'd be while she waited until she could return to her own universe, but it wasn't her home. Still... shuffling for a few moments, the tiny redheaded girl realized she kind of wanted to take a bath. At least that was something she could do here. Soon enough, Vita has undressed and gotten into the bath. At least being in comfortable, warm water was a little bit soothing at least. She still found herself feeling... lonely, though... And then... "Nanoha?" She paused for a moment. "[i]They told you about all that weird stuff too, right? This is some kind of other world, but it's sort of creepy that they have stories about us here.[/i]" She let out a huff. "[i]Hmph. Just watching stuff about our lives like that...[/i]" [@KoL]