Seeing Jax pour herself even more wine as her dad prepared to tell this apparently legendary story made Morthos wonder what in the nine hells could have happened that was so bad. Well as her dad barely made his way through the story through his stiffled giggles Morthos just kept looking back at Jax before turning back to Edgar to keep listening to the story. Once he was done the main takeaway Morthos had was that this was surprisingly a funny story they told, and not something they used as an example of how Jax doesn't always make good decisions. He wondered how mad her parents were when this happened, or if they thought it was hilarious back then too. Morthos let out a chuckle, he was more dumbfounded by the story than anything, [color=red]"well that certainly sounds like an eventful night."[/color] Morthos turned to Jax, [color=red]"I do have one question for you though. This chess club and A/V club....stallion of a man,"[/color] now Morthos was giving her a hard time, but it was only jokingly. [color=red]"When you decided he would be your date, was this before or after you decided to swear off men until you found someone suitably powerful?"[/color] Now Morthos was laughing more, he knew it wasn't fair to judge someone based off what they did in high school but this was just too easy he couldn't help it.