[center][img]http://www.sherlockology.com/ImageGen.ashx?image=/media/130938/2.jpg[/img] The "gifted" never really belonged with regular humans. They didn't understand them. That is why a school for the gifted around the world was built, where young adults could be around those who were like them. This is the Academy for the Gifted, for those with a special ability to be around others like them. :Rules & Requirements: - Don't godmod, just play your own character. - You can have up to 2 characters, but play one female and one male. - You can use any special ability you can think of, there is no limits here. - Character sheet must be completely filled out before you're accepted in the RP. - Realistic images is my preference for the RP itself. - Keep the OOC chat here, and the IC chat here. - Once I have 5 females and 5 males I can get the IC moving along for us. The maximum will be 10 males and 10 females. I don't want this RP to be to big and crowded. - Most importantly, let's have fun and not argue. We're all friends here! :Character Sheet: [Realistic Image Here] Name: [full name] Nickname: [what you'll go by] Age: [16-18] Personality: [at least one good paragraph] Biography: [at least one good paragraph] Special Ability: [just one, whatever you want] Additional Information: [anything else you'd like to add] :Gifted Girls: - Felicity Ann Croswell (MissIndependent) - - - - - - - - - :Gifted Boys: - Victor Lee Brown - - - - - - - - - I will be posting my CS below shortly. Looking forward to RPing with everyone![/center]