[center][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/c06e/th/pre/f/2018/004/6/4/scavenger_character_design_by_dominuself-dbyxnk3.jpg[/img][color=#FF3021][h2]Mendax[/h2][/color][/center][hr][hider= ][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Mendax. Weren't you listening? [u][b]Alias/Nicknames:[/b][/u] Listen, young man/woman/child/other, you will call me by my name or not at all. Please call me...it gets lonely in my room sometimes. It gets lonely in Purgeryatory. [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Old Man. [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Old.........Man? [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Mendax is, in his ever-present helm, about 7 feet tall. He weighs more than your standard SUV and has an unknown build. Lean? Frail? Skinny? Pale? Probably not hefty though, since his garb would show that much. From within his helm one can occasionally glimpse a pair of glowing white eyes. The same white as this text.... [u][b]Abilities, Belongings and Skills:[/b][/u] Mendax is, by his own admission, both incredibly powerful and ridiculously weak. He is physically frail to the point of absurdity, but has never been witnessed receiving any form of harm. He is, apparently, equal parts omnipresent and omniscient. He can either be in any number of places at the same time--or everywhere at once--or merely view reality from some remote location, which a layman might know as "The Room," an expert as "Purgeryatory," and a genius as "fucking-bullshit-land." "The Room," is a place outside of time and space, that has its own temporal and spatial rules. Its exact nature is unknown, but Mendax is a prisoner of this realm despite his ability to seemingly leave whenever he wants. Trust me, it makes sense in context (maybe). For Mendax, and in the presence of Mendax, "The Room," takes on the below appearance: [hider= ][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/dc/7b/d2/dc7bd2664100bf28af7af345239508ad.jpg[/img][/hider] Though there is typically the addition of a desk and a comfy, but roughed up lazyman chair. Oh yeah and the fireplace is always lit AF. Beyond this Mendax's possessions are largely unknown...except for his ubiquitous armor. Mendax's armor is INCREDIBLY magical in nature. In fact, it's so magical that it keeps him alive and totally invincible so long as the armor is never taken off completely. When partially taken off, Mendax can be harmed--allegedly--but will regenerate from any and all damage. Anyways, that's hardly important. The most important thing to note is that Mendax is an old man, he's always around, he might be a little senile--and/or fucked in the head--and is all around a pretty [i]odd[/i] individual. Oh yeah and no one has ever seen his [url=https://i.imgur.com/xfQtvQn.jpg]face[/url]. [u][b]Other information:[/b][/u] Mendax is a rather strange fellow. No one knows a whole lot about him, except that people can either always recall him being around, while simultaneously not really being aware of him in the present moment. It's almost like he retroactively inserts his existence into people's lives. Pretty weird right? Haha...hahaha [i][sub][sub][sub][sup]god I'm so lonely[/sup][/sub][/sub][/sub][/i][/hider]