[center][color=yellow][h3]Lunalel Lightsword[/h3][/color][/center] [color=yellow]"How do you look? Well."[/color] She took a minor pause. With the looks she was giving just now, Luna could only guess what the Wyrm wanted to be called. While she didn't want to say or even think it... She didn't know if she could truthfully answer her the way she wanted. [color=yellow]"Smarter?"[/color] It wasn't incorrect. Mostly doctors, professors and some other professions that were considered smart tended to wear glasses so it wasn't really incorrect. [color=yellow]"They look cute on you as well."[/color] [center][color=green][h3]Katherine Lindall[/h3][/color][/center] [color=green]"Cute aren't they?"[/color] Katherine said, summoning one to the table in front of them. [color=green]"I handmake the bodies myself. Rather unique looking I suppose, but I think they're cute. Some of the spirits aren't the biggest fans of them though. They get over it rather quick."[/color] Katherine paused and looked at Clione for a second. [color=green]"Or perhaps as a priestess of sorts... You're talking about the spirits I have inside? I only collect the wandering souls that have various reasons for being unable to stop their current existence. It's like a lost soul orphanage."[/color] She just gave the other woman a smile. She thought it was fairly humorous. [color=green]"Regardless, they help me and I help them. It's a kind of exchange."[/color] [color=tan][h3][center]Kozue Komichi[/center][/h3][/color] Kozue really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY didn't need to hear that. She coughed to change the point of the conversation. [color=tan]"Anyhow, you want me to fight her? Or, rather, duel her. I like to think it'd be hard for me to lose to a demon."[/color] That would make sense as to why the water spirit wanted her to go with her. Well, if the demon was annoying then so be it. It didn't hurt to make people see such vile creatures for what they are.