[@Leotamer] I sent it through PM's first because the CS may have some glaring issues and I don't want that. I made Laran with healing, survival, and sustainability in mind. He's not human and has no clear influences, yet. Really, he's just birthed with the concept of golems, artificial humanoids, and immortals. As for the setting, that where the differences are a lot between the two. So far, all we know [sup][i]all I know[/i][/sup] about the archipelago he came from was that it is lost through time and what was once great was forgotten by most. Alexander's 'coldness' was what made me think they are a bit - just a little bit - the same. Laran is indifferent and while superficial thinking may cause others to think they're the same, the causes for these traits are different. You mentioned Alexander was just not yet socially adept, while Laran utterly doesn't care. What I'm really most interested in is how Life Conduit will interplay with Laran's Self-sustainability works the same way - concept wise.