You're sweet ;-; She'll be in the tab soon! In the meantime, I can clarify here since, admittedly, everything about my roleplay characters I create in the moment of writing them. So the Roost Sisters are an organization like any other, whether magic is practiced or not by its affiliates. The change of leadership initiated a lot of changes Madame Grouse didn't wholly agree with, like ending the "Decedent Protection" oath or program that provided shelter to young orphaned girls in the Sisters' little hideout place. That and Grouse's mentor and a key maternal figure in her life died, and she honestly thinks it was sabotage by new leadership [i]why didn't i put that as a fear, i need to put that as a fear.[/i] But the culmination of this paranoia and dissent with the society convinced Madame Grouse to flee Heimshire. Why she can't use magic is ambiguous, [i]meaning I have no idea,[/i] but it can amount to one or a combination of three options: a) it was stolen away from a higher power or an otherwise foreign and onlooking one -- something preternatural with the capability to do so, a magical beast she hasn't seen before, or something more ubiquitous; b) the Sisters are [i]responsible[/i] for her magic, or the perception of such, hence why it vanished when she abandoned; c) her magic waned as Grouse suppressed, and continues to suppress, why she practiced it in the first place --to help people -- and when she became selfish in fleeing from her problems. Umayma can't evince any semblance of occult ability anymore, but she does retain knowledge of magical creatures, charms-making, and on a few other branches of magic, considering she was surrounded by it for the majority of her life. Lucky her memory isn't that bad! But the adventure prompt is just there's a monster tracking Umayma at the whims of the head Roost Sister because she doesn't want to deal with it when there's so much she still has to do -- the creature's that much of a threat. Umayma was an advanced charms-caster who predominantly applied her powers to warding away magical beasts, and since she's not a member anymore, the head sees her as expendable in a sense. [i](Not that she can actually deal with the monster at the moment because she can't make charms anymore.)[i] The monster itself is ambiguous, [i]meaning I have no idea,[/i] but it can honestly be anything anyone wants, from a dragon to a banshee; whatever anyone would want to come face-to-face with.