As Noriam swam closer, it seemed the Gearforged was ready, striking out at him as he approached. However, the glaive flew wide, missing its target before it took a fatal blow, as the last light of life flickered from its eyes. Cynthia, a bit surprised at the fury of the kraken, still kept her attention on the weaker foe before her, but with the tentacly mass holding her down, couldn't maneuver her Levinsword well enough to land a blow. There was some other emotion in her eyes as she looked back to the others. A small amount of fear, but also determination. The remaining Gearforged had no such issues with emotion, and it swung the glaive towards Cynthia three times, hitting with all three for 24 damage, reduced to [color=ed1c24][b]12[/b][/color] from her rage. The merfolk was starting to look rough. [h3]Initiative[/h3] 21 - Koan - [@Gordian Nought] 21 - Kraken 15 - Jill - [@JBRam2002] 15 - Noriam - [@The Grey Dust] 14 - Cynthia - [@JBRam2002] 13 - Gearforged Templars 8 - Adrevz - [@Zverda] 6 - Dyn - [@Hekazu] 5 - Alexis - [@Guardian Angel Haruki] Adrevz - [@Zverda] is up next! [h3][url=]Current Battle Map![/url][/h3]