It was no shock at all this man’s advice revolved solely around his current ambitions in life, even less a surprise that - considering his current frame of mind - the circumstances surrounding his question conflicted a great deal with said advice. She of course didn’t answer his question, since it sounded more rhetorical than anything deserving of an answer. “The amount of give’n times a cowboy, be him drunk or sober, had found it his duty to bestowed his less than sound wisdom on me is downright stagger’n, to say the least. Now, I can’t make up my mind if you’re just plain stupid or if maybe all that alcohol has numbed your sense of self preservation.” Abigail hadn’t been expecting anything less than a defensive reaction from this man, in fact, that was the intention behind her scornful speech. There was really only one way to derive at the more honest intentions of any man, and that was to throw his own self-worth into question and see how he might react. It was just pure instinct to attempt upholding a substantial appearance, most especially in the company of a young and attractive lady. Normally, any attempt to preserve such dignity or needed sense of respect would have been displayed in some insulting retaliation before heading out the door, and yet this here particular individual was of the inclination to make himself at home instead. His decision to remain in her room without even giving birth to the slightest insult of his own, had her mindfully questioning the steel of his constitution. Sure, his response was of a questionable nature, but it was apparent he intended no ill will. Yep, It could have been that he was just plain stupid or, perhaps, he didn’t care about preserving his own life at all, which was more than likely the case to be fair about it, but there was also the very slim possibility that he just couldn’t bring himself to feel threatened by a girl, despite the fact that the mouth of her cocked barrel was gaping right at him. She’d been underestimated before, usually before the one doing the underestimating lay all bloodied up on the floor. She did, [i]if only for the purpose of careful planning in the testing of this man’s steel[/i], accept his offer for a drink. She didn’t let her guard down. That would have been downright dumb as shit. Instead she presented the man with a positively grimacing look, letting him know he was crowding her space, and kept her Colt in position on her thigh while relieving him of the bottle with her other hand. She didn’t take a swallow of the drink, however. She rather gripped the neck real tight and lowered the bottle real slow, pressing it snug into the crook of her crotch and finally raised that gun off her thigh – Swifter than a pony on lava she had the end of that pretty barrel pressed dead against his manhood. He would have no doubt felt that cold steel through the fabric of his trousers. “Now why don’t you go ahead and take a seat in that chair over yonder," She gives a flick of her head to indicate the chair at the foot of her bed; “before I add myself an iron nugget to that sack of yours?” Right now, Abigail’s tone of voice had more than mildly changed its demeanor. Any half whit standing between the East and West coast would have known to heed to the severity that had suddenly taken charge of her tone - See, unfortunately this cowboy still hadn’t managed to introduce himself, and that was annoying the hell out of her. Even more importantly, he had managed to overlook a very important detail of truth laid out before his very eyes. This ignorance alone was enough to make her wonder just when he would stop to ask himself the most obvious question of all: Why in all of hell would a young lady like herself be in possession of such a weapon, no less renting out a room in a saloon equally unfitting to her supposed status in society? “When I say take a seat, I mean take a seat, or maybe you don’t mind lose'n your already fleet'n chance of cursing some poor kid by become’n their daddy. Once you’ve got yourself seated, why don’t you try and do the gentlemanly thing by introducing yourself. Heck, by do'n so you might even find a trace of respect you so obviously need from me right now - and maybe then we can find ourselves in a position to hold an [i]enlightening[/i] conversation. Make no mistake, I'll sooner squeeze this trigger than lose the strength of keep'n this Colt held up."