I'm looking forward to writing with you guys! Speaking of which, getting this party started! So we came up with a gameplan for the first few posts that might sound convoluted, but I swear it'll make sense when you start writing. For simplicity, I'm going to break it down into numbered points; 1) First posts for most players will be taking place in a convention center on Luna the night before the Initiative departs to let people have the chance to get some practice writing their characters/ having a chance to say goodbye to the people they're leaving behind. Consider this a prologue intro post. 2) I will be opening up a Gdoc for one bigass group collab that is entirely optional where at said farewell party you can have a chance to interact with your fellow PCs. Side note; nobody knows they're going to be on the APEX team at this point. 3) While that's going on, us 3 GMs are going to work on the official intro post set in present day Andromeda, where our characters will be getting ready to meet the team, who will be set up in barracks on Eos at the start of the game. We will also be collabing with [@Xanadu] prior to meeting the team since Xanadu won't be able to partake in the party writing for obvious reasons and so the commanders can get a chance to meet and brief their liasion. 4) After that drops, you guys can do your character intros about whatever you want leading up to the team meet up on Eos where the game will start in earnest. I aim to have the party intro done tonight, and hope you guys have fun with it!