James reddened as Vale placed her hand on him, he had not quite got his cloths on yet. He turned his attention to the former duchess, still rather red in the face from hits sudden exposure, and nodded to Ada. "[color=00aeef]I will mi'lady. Though as we came up the mountain to your seat I noticed most of the shops were closing for the day. Is there one still open that you would recommend?[/color]" Before Ada left for the library, she motioned a handmaiden over. [color=f26522]"This is Celia. She can grant you access to our personal smiths and weavers. I am sure you will be able to find something of value with her help."[/color] As the rest of the party made their way towards the keep, a [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/449/516/large/nathalia-gomes-galadrielshandmaiden-nathaliagomes.jpg?1422973000]high elf[/url] made her way towards James and bowed in introduction. "This way if you please, Mr. Greerson," she said, her voice welcoming and her smile warm. "Where would you like to go first? To find weapons and armor, or perhaps to find a place to cover your... um..." She glanced down at James with a shy smile and a slight blush. "I do know some fine weavers..." James looked at the handmaiden as she spoke, slightly captivated by her appearance. When she blushed he realized he had not pulled up his breeches. He flushed a deeper shade of crimson as he pulled them up and laced them. [color=00aeef]"I-I erm.."[/color] He shook his head in frustration. [color=00aeef]"These cloths I have will suffice. Armor and weapons would be better.[/color] He paused for a second . [color=00aeef]"Unless you think I would be better off with a better set of cloths."[/color] "As you wish," Celia replied before leading the way across the courtyard to a wooden building still alight by the flames of a kiln. The door was open, but Celia still knocked on the door jamb before entering. "Master Thesius, I have a customer for you, sent directly from the duchess." "From the duchess, eh?" As James approached the building, he would notice the source of the deep, gravelly voice was not an elf, but a genasi. "Seems like I ain't got a choice. You can take yer pick from the arms and armor here, though someone of your build might not want the heavy stuff. Leatherworker would be better for ya. What's yer angle? looking for a light shortsword perhaps? Rapier? I have a few interesting blades on sale." The genasi wiped soot from his hand onto the apron he wore and extended it towards James. "Thesius Argos, at yer service, eh?" [color=00aeef]" James Greerson. Studded leather armor is what I had previously, and I would like to take a look at the rapiers you have."[/color] James said as he took the genasi's hand shaking it firmly then starts to look at the rapiers. "Aye, rapiers... rapiers..." The earthen genasi stepped behind a counter and started rummaging through the gear. "If you were sent by Duchess Ada, most likely yer lookin' fer something magic." He tossed a handful of blades on the counter before picking up one ornate rapier. "This is one of my finer pieces with the second level of enchantment on it from our resident artificer." He switched to another blade. "First level of enchantment here." He set those aside and picked up a red-tinged blade, grinning as he swished it around. "This here was forged in a volcano in dragonborn country. One of my cousins, one of them fire genasi, he says it's a Flametongue blade. I just think it's damn nice." With a flick of his wrist, flames spouted from the blade briefly before sputtering out. "Well, ya gotta attune to it 'fore it lasts long enough to use. Then we got a similar thing, this one with acid but no light. Most of these are all the same price at 5500 gp. The lower enchantment one, that's just 600 gp. Whaddaya say?" [color=00aeef]"Flames wouldn't do me much good, the acid one seems better. 5500gp though, I'm not quite sure I can do that. 4250 gold would suit me better. While ill sure I could find a blade like this anywhere I am here now and ready to buy.[/color] James put on his best smile. He knew 4250 was really low for such an item but he had to start somewhere. > Persuasion Roll: 12 The genasi shook his head. "Sent by the duchess or not, I gotta still make a profit on this. Lost a good man while he was fighting that black dragon. I can drop the price by a hundred gold. 5400 gp, final offer." James frowns some.[color=00aeef]"A man lost while fighting a black dragon? How would you feel if I or another, such as the duchess, die while aiding the her in defense your home. I'll be going either north to fight a white dragon and ice giants or west to face the legions of the undead. Me wielding one of these blades could just save her life."[/color] He paused for a moment before going to another tactic. [color=00aeef]"Fine lets say I pay you your price, what do I saw to the orphans that help pay for food and shelter for when I have not the gold to send to them?" [/color] "You will have to tell them what you always tell them when you buy a magic item, I suppose," the genasi replied with a shrug. "As far as I know, white dragons don't care about whether it's acid or not, and neither do undead. The duchess has never asked me to give someone goods for a loss, or else she knows I wouldn't keep my business here. 5400 gold. Does that work for you?" Celia nudged James lightly and whispered in his ear. "Master Thesius is a bit stubborn when it comes to prices, but he is our best smith. I'd suggest taking his price or asking about a different blade." The genasi crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow as he waited for a response. [color=00aeef]"I'll take it."[/color] James mutters with some bitterness. [color=00aeef]"What do you have by the means of studded leather armor and hand crossbows?"[/color] He says now wanting to get this over with. "Our leatherworker has gone home, but I can get into his shop and conduct business," Thesius replied. "As for crossbows, we don't have many of the hand variety. Most elves prefer longbows, you see. But we do have a couple mundane ones, maybe one or two magical ones." He handed the rapier to James, as well as a belt and sheathe. "The sheathe is lined to protect you from the blade's acid, but I still suggest deactivating it before you sheathe it. Black Dragon acid is potent." > Corrosive Rapier - Acts like Flametongue, except acid damage and does not shed light. [color=00aeef]"I will remember to do that. Mundane are fine for now unless you can give me good deal on a magic one."[/color] James took the belt and sheath, put it on and slid the rapier into it's place. Thesius picked up a mundane hand crossbow and one that was ornately carved, then set both of them on the counter. "Since you already bought one item from me, I'd be willing to give you a bit of a discount. This hand crossbow imbues a small amount of poison to each bolt as you fire it. Pretty decent for firing from behind cover, but you'll want to switch to that rapier up close." > Poisoned Hand Crossbow - on each hit, deals an additional 1d4 poison damage to target. [color=00aeef]"How much for this one?"[/color] James asks as he runs his hand over the ornate carvings on the nonmundane one. [color=00aeef]"I figured it would be good for fairly close, at least until I need the rapier."[/color] "Eh... considering you just bought that rapier... 350 gold. That's a steal, ya know." The genasi began to pull a bolt case down, filling it with crossbow bolts. "I'll even toss in twenty bolts, but you'll have to pay for anything more than that. Do we have a deal?" [color=00aeef]"That will do as I'm sure this can a good 500 if not more. Now about that armor."[/color] "Money first," the genasi proclaimed. "The leatherworker is in the next shop over." Once he received his payment, he put back the unpurchased gear and led James out of the shop, locking it behind them. "He probably doesn't want me selling anything spectacular while he's not here, but studded leather should be about 45 gold, if I remember." He then unlocked the door to the leatherworker's shop and ushered James inside. James followed the smith out after handing over the coins agreed upon. [color=00aeef]"I doubt I could afford anything to spectacular."[/color] He muttered quietly. He was still needing to replace his bag of holding. [color=00aeef]"Would happen to know where I might acquire a bag of holding, or perhaps a cloak of the elvenkind?"[/color] He asked openly to both the handmaiden and the smith. Thesius shrugged in response, but Celia spoke up. "The weaver I mentioned may be able to help. Both of those seem like things she would be pretty good at. Should I take you there after we have finished?" As Celia asked her question, Thesius had already found a set of studded leather armor that seemed to fit someone of James's size. "You might need to talk to the leatherworker in the morning if you need alterations, but this should do in a pinch. Mundane armor should be upgraded as soon as you can, though. Don't want a simple Rust Monster eating it out and making it useless. 45 gold?" [color=00aeef]"45 works, I also plan to get it upgraded as soon as I can."[/color] He hands the gold over now ready to be off and find a new bag of holding. He takes the armor, and turns Celia. [color=00aeef]"Shall we be off to the weaver?"[/color] Celia nodded, and led the way out of the main portcullis of the Keep, much to Thesius's relief. As they walked, she jabbered about the architectural features of the elven city, pointing out the spires and columns of the various buildings. Here towards the crest of the mountain, all of the buildings seemed grandiose, although none of them were taller than the wall surrounding the main courtyard. After a few minutes of walking, Celia halted in front of a door and knocked on it. "Bella?" she called out, and the sound of footsteps could be heard from within. The wooden window slats opened for a moment before closing again, and seconds later, the door was unlocked and opened, revealing a [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/988b/f/2009/211/0/8/eberron___artificer_by_evion.jpg]dark-haired elf[/url] wearing a light vest that seemed appropriate for evening wear. "Celia, do you know what time it is?" she asked with mild annoyance. "I closed up shop an hour ago." "I know," Celia replied, gesturing towards James. "I have a request from Duchess Ada to fulfill, and you're the only one I would trust with this task. James, please tell Bella what you were looking for." [color=00aeef]"A new bag of holding and a cloak of the Elvenkind. Though if you have any other wares you wish to sell I would be interested. I do apologize for the inconvenience, it was a stroke of misfortune that has us calling at this hour. If there is something I can do for you I will do it if I can."[/color] James said honestly. Bella waved James into the house and stepped behind a curtain that separated the public area from her residence. A plate of half-eaten food was clearly visible on the table, as well as a an untouched plate on a nearby counter. "I'll only be a minute!" Bella called out from the other side of the curtain as she could be heard rummaging about. "Cloaks of Elvenkind... Such a misnomer. It's not as if all elves walk around with magical cloaks, after all. Why not Cloak of the Rogue or Cloak of Hiding?" After a moment, she stepped out from behind the curtain carrying a Bag of Holding and the cloak. "I can sell you both of these for 900 gold, I believe, as long as you let Celia come home soon." She smiled at James's guide who blushed slightly in response. "As for other wares, I have a handful of robes and a cape or two." She pulled a robe out of the Bag of Holding that seemed to be covered in myriad patchwork items haphazardly strewn about the robe, followed by a billowing cape that smelled faintly of brimstone and looked to be smoldering ever so slightly. "I can add one of these in for another 500 gold, if you're interested." James smiles a little before he starts to feel bad for taking up the handmaiden's time. [color=00aeef]"Celia do you have anything other business after helping me? If not I can find my way back to the castle and you can remain here at home."[/color] Celia chuckled a little in response. "Lady Ada would have my head if I didn't see you safely back to the castle, and I have a few minor things to finish up there. Don't you worry about me." "Oh, please [i]do[/i] worry about her," Bella interjected. "No one else is going to. The duchess works my poor Celia to the bone every night. Makes a girl jealous, you know." [color=00aeef]"I doubt someone may cause me issue in my way back and I was considering heading to a tavern on my way back. I'm sure you don't want to go to one of those. I can also speak with Lady Ada about you finishing up your duties on the morrow, or mayhaps I might be able to preform them for you." [/color] Celia and Bella exchanged a glance before the handmaiden sighed reluctantly. "I suppose it couldn't hurt that much," Celia conceded. "Have you decided on a purchase yet?" The elf's voice sounded noticeably happier, despite maintaining her same reserved posture. James smiled slightly at her response now feeling a bit better about her circumstance. [color=00aeef]"Yes I have. While I would like to buy more I will have to refrain from it, so for now I'll take the bag the robe and the cloak of Mountebank. I may come back for the cloak of the Elvenkind."[/color] He said as he started to pull his coin out to pay. Bella waited as he counted out the 1400 gold, then thanked him. "Feel free to stop by again another time," she said. "Preferably when the sun is sill shining. Might have better wares then." With that, she collected the unpurchased cloak and handed James the other items. > Obtained Bag of Holding, Cape of the Mountebank, Robe of Useful Items. [color=00aeef]"I will. Have a good evening madam Bella and Celia."[/color] James heads to the door, puts the robe in the bag of holding, and puts the cloak on. [color=00aeef]"I have just one last request, where is the closest tavern?"[/color] "Go left out the door, take your first right, then follow your ears," Celia replied with a smile. "You can't miss it. Unless you're deaf, but you probably aren't..." "The Devil Frog's Vengeance is its name," Bella spoke up, interrupting Celia's tangent. "It's a bit rough, but I'm sure you can handle it. If you're looking for a quieter place, there's a nice pub up in the courtyard. Used to be a meetinghouse, but it stopped being used a few decades back." James smiled at the women. [color=00aeef]Thank you again. May the smiling lady bless you.[/color] He turned toward the door leaving an extra 50 gold behind for them to find later. After exiting the building he looked for thieves cant markings. Not seeing any he quickly took a dagger leaving a mark signifying the shop is not a place to rob. He placed the dagger back in it's place and started to walk to the Devil Frog's Vengence. Just before he arrived he took out the alabaster mask from his long lost parents. It was carved in the shape of a foxes head, painted red and black. He looked at it for a few moments before slipping it his bag. Aside from bei ng a memento of his parents he had used it during a few burglary jobs to help mask his appearence. It might be of some use here in the future. He stepped into the tavern to take in the scene before heading to the bar to get a drink. [@JBRam2002]