[quote=@Cerces22] The sun was getting low and Liz knew it was about time to start looking for a camping spot. She came upon a fork in the road, and there below a sign were two prism berries. She approached semi cautious, she didn't see any trees that held prism berries, so either someone dropped it, or a mischievous pokemon left it as a trap. She picked them up and headed down route 27, Liz knew there were a couple landmarks right next to each and it was time for her to sightsee in the morning of course. She found a wayward pine, a large tree whose boughs dipped to the ground and allowing big enough room to walk around inside. She read about these in one of her text books, there weren't many but she was fortunate enough to find a secluded spot to sleep. She got inside and set up for the night, she pulled out a book to read before drifting off to sleep. [/quote] As Liz took cover, a wild Electrike stood by. She hid within a nearby bush. These were her neck of the woods. She would have to keep watch over the trainer to make sure she wasn't up to no good. She would not leave the bush until the trainer left the area, presumably in the morning. So [u][i][b]adamantly[/b][/i][/u] she waited. She would let herself sleep when the trainer slept. Being a light sleeper, she would most likely wake up at any sound of the trainer waking. [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read]Liz is being watched like a hawk by a very adamant Electrike. If she makes an sudden movements upon waking that could be mistaken as a threat, the Electrike will emerge. The Electrike is at [b]Level 20[/b]. [/hider]