Hearkening to her Katia’s call, the cleric motioned with her girded arm to the point of their previous entry, beckoning all to venture to the upper hall, away from this crypt, where once a recent short respite was entertained. She gestured, and at once, the floating familiar carried by the busy invisible servant, ceased its activities, sufficient that cleanliness had met its match, in godliness. The reliquary itself a haven and heaven for warriors past and glorified. Yet, the warlock, after allowing her unseen underlying to lead the way, dappled with the blanche hawk, broke lips to address her comrades. [color=ec008c]“Even blind moles, fossorial in nature, lay traps for worms, dire for a meal. We have freckled this subterranean shrine enough. I fear that our former friend, that infiltrating prodigy has planted himself near, spying on our burrows and warrens, and mocking us as he fled.”[/color] She conjured the illusory map, polishing it once again, to grant her bearings. Her eyes searched into the comrades’ souls, who finally desired to safeguard this realm. [i]Thea. Haemar. Birbin.[/i] He could see Cesar’s fingers waver, as she dismissed the minor illusion, the pirate's furrowed brows faltering on whether to stay or venture. [color=ec008c]“For all of you who chose to remain. Lightspeed! May dawn guide you and this domain into rest and peace once more. If you encounter Ruron again, regard him as a cautious confederate. Be weary as he has not truly declared where he lies in this war.”[/color] Wick's boots and gemmed staff commenced their trek, following the bobbing bird, to the eventual ascension. [color=ec008c]“Let us depart from this tomb; we must exhume the anchor.”[/color] She hoped that not only the Templar and her Beloved, but that the bard would shadow her and the others. [color=ec008c]"For the brightness of the Planes."[/color] [Hider=Mechanics] Wick motions everyone to follow her unseen servant and the familiar on its shoulder, back and upstairs to the [i]Hall[/i]. Before she does so, she conjures a minor illusion of the whereabouts and addresses the split party, before departing. Her aim, now, is to find the anchor for Shujaat's gem remnant. [/Hider] [@JBRam2002][@Hekazu][@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Cu Chulainn]