[@duthguy][@DeadBeatWalking][@CollectorofMyst][@rocketrobie2] [b]Void Spiders[/b] and [b]Stranglers[/b] crawl their way out of the chasm. The Spiders swarm to the exit as do many of the stranglers. The Blue Strangler lashs out at [b]Father C[/b] and hits four times, dealing [b]4 Damage[/b]! The Purple Strangler takes the oppurtunity to strike, dealing a further [b]2 Damage[/b]. Spend a Determination to reroll failed saves? The Green Strangler swipes at [b]Jamie Hart[/b], she dodges back from many of the strikes, but gets hit for [b]2 Damage[/b]. Spend a Determination to reroll failed saves? [b]Approaching Enemies:[/b] [indent] 3 Tentacles at the Blocked Rail Approaching Enemies at the Bridge[/indent] [b]Initiative[/b]: [indent][color=darkgray]Void Hound - 7 Void Spiders [+Gate Bridge will spawn] - 6 Deputy Hawkeye - 6 Void Sorceror Gate E1 - 5 Jamie - 5[/color] Scafford Gang Gate F1 - 4 || Stranglers Gate Bridge will spawn - 4 Night Terror Gate E1 will spawn - 3 Dan - 3 Tentacles - 2 Father C - 2 Hungry Dead Gate E2 will spawn - 1 [/indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oUcrymT.jpg[/img][/center] Scafford Gang turn pending...%