And I am finished. [hider=The New Kid In Town][center][img][/img] [h1]Jude Jamison[/h1] [sub][url=]They call me mellow yellow.[/url][/sub][/center] [hr][center][color=lemonchiffon][h3]I'm just mad about Saffron, Saffron's mad about me.[/h3][/color][/center] [color=lemonchiffon]N A M E[/color] [indent]Jude Jonathan Jamison[/indent] [color=lemonchiffon]A G E[/color] [indent]Twenty-Seven[/indent] [color=lemonchiffon]B I R T H D A Y[/color] [indent]Fall Third[/indent] [color=lemonchiffon]G E N D E R[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=lemonchiffon]O C C U P A T I O N[/color] [indent]New Person[/indent] [hr][center][color=lemonchiffon][h3]I'm just mad about Saffron.[/h3][/color][/center] [color=lemonchiffon]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S[/color] [indent]Carefree. Open-Minded. Reflective. Aloof. Self-Destructive. Undisciplined.[/indent] [color=lemonchiffon]F A V O R I T E S E A S O N[/color] [indent]Fall[/indent] [color=lemonchiffon]F A V O R I T E C O L O R[/color] [indent]Yellow[/indent] [color=lemonchiffon]F A V O R I T E F O O D[/color] [indent]French Toast[/indent] [color=lemonchiffon]L I K E S[/color] [indent]Long walks. Reading. Writing. The music of Donovan. Nature. Trying new things.[/indent] [color=lemonchiffon]D I S L I K E S[/color] [indent]Falling into a routine. Talkative people. Needles. Summer. Snakes.[/indent] [color=lemonchiffon]D O Y O U B E L I E V E I N M A G I C ? [/color] [indent][s]... In a young girl's heart.[/s] Jude isn't particularly sure if magic exists or not, but he figures it's possible that it does. He didn't grow up in the village, so he never heard much tales of the Harvest Goddess, Harvest Sprites, or the Rot.[/indent] [hr][center][color=lemonchiffon][h3]She's just mad about me.[/h3][/color][/center] [color=lemonchiffon]F A M I L Y M E M B E R S[/color] [indent]Father: Jack Jamison - Deceased Mother: Heather Jamison - Lives in the city[/indent] [color=lemonchiffon]A N I M A L F R I E N D S[/color] [indent]A pet [url=]mouse[/url], named James Jamison or just Jimmy. Most often kept in Jude's coat pocket, or in a cage in Jude's room at the inn at night.[/indent] [color=lemonchiffon]H O M E L I F E[/color] [indent]Jude stays in a room at the inn. His room is very spartan and bare, with only a bed, a dresser, and a little cage on the dresser for Jimmy; the bare essentials. He keeps the room undecorated because he doesn't like using it for anything aside from sleeping.[/indent] [color=lemonchiffon]S T O R Y[/color] [indent]Jude's formative years were very uninteresting. He passed through school with average grades, he went to college and graduated, and he ended up with a boring job as an accountant for BigCo. It was boring. Jude was bored. But he didn't have anything to push him forward in life, so he just kept at it. Then his father died in a car crash. At the funeral, he remembered something his father once told him. "Live by your own standards, not anyone else's." Taking those words to heart, Jude pulled out all of his savings and quit his job at BigCo. He packed a bag with just a few changes of clothes, kissed his mother goodbye, and with his pet mouse Jimmy in tow he set off to find adventure. For the past four years, Jude has been traveling from town to town and city to city, and has recently taken residence in Valbree Village.[/indent][/hider]