[color=fff79a]"Aha...try not to harass Livia too much, dear."[/color] Marise replied as Katherine left. She looked to Himeko and Charlotte, offering them a small sheepish smile. [color=fff79a]"I do apologize for her, too. She thinks that philanderer attitude of hers makes her cute...I can't say it doesn't, but it's certainly not for everyone."[/color] Marise walked over to a desk where Nynette had left the tea, picking up a teacup and taking a drink of it herself. Nynette always made the best. [color=fff79a]"Ahem, that aside, I heard mention of something about 'Harena'?"[/color] Marise replied questioningly. [color=fff79a]"I recall Livia mentioned something about that one time during one of her usual study sessions. I have trouble pulling her from the library sometimes."[/color] She chuckled. Charlotte simply gave her a small frown, tossing the doll aside as she looked at Marise. Well, it seemed as though they might have a lead as long as this Marise girl was friendly enough. "She probably knows more...history and esoteric subjects are her and my sisters forte. I'm just a healer and a politician." [color=8882be]"Hmm...so we should talk to her, then?"[/color] Charlotte mused. [color=8882be]"I'd rather you point us in the direction of the library. We can research on our own."[/color] [color=fff79a]"Weeelll..."[/color] Marise sighed, shaking her head in mild displeasure. [color=fff79a]"It's not as simple as that. The guard have a tight control over such books and information. They dislike it when such information is available easily to the public. A method of control and whatnot."[/color] Oh wonderful. That reminded her a bit too much of home. [hr] Livia was in her room, Nynette waiting outside the door as usual. The maid was busy not doing much at all, aside from waiting for orders or to bring dinner or attend to Livia in whatever other way she needed. She didn't expect to be needed any time soon, but such was the duties of a maid. [b]"Ah...Katherine."[/b] Nynette greeted with a smile.[b] "Here to visit Livia? She looked quite irritable when she walked in earlier.[/b]" She gave the younger girl an impish smirk. [b]"Perhaps her dear sister could cheer her up a bit?"[/b] Before Katherine could respond though, the door to Livia's room opened, the dark haired girl giving Nynette a small glare. [color=a187be]"The only cheering up Katherine could do is if she told me she's finally thinking about something other than undressing the maids with her eyes."[/color] She harrumphed, looking over to Katherine. [color=a187be]"What do you need? I was...ahem, studying."[/color] Translation: She was eavesdropping on their conversation.