[center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/liam/liam_p.png[/img] — New Auren Guild —[/center] He sat alone at a table nursing a half empty drink. To be honest he'd onyl bought half of a drink. With his metabolism any amount of alcohol took a long time to get out of his system. But he didn't want to seem disinterested for wasteful when he left a mostly full glass at the table. It would be pointless to achieve great deeds with only his own word to vouch for them. So he needed someone new to not overshadow his own accomplishments but looked trustworthy and reliable. Liam took a small, measured sip and stood up, approaching someone that had sat alone. He leaned over and planted both hands on that table. "Hey, you look like somebody I can trust to watch my back. I'm Liam, no last name."