[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QoL6NQy.png[/img][/center] [center][sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVGyzHJkOQ4]Theme[/url][/sub][/center] The [i]Queen of Hearts Bar[/i] sits at the heart of Sraefin (Sray-fin), a city that is littered with the downtrodden, hopeless, and the greedy. A city that is always alive, bustling in the day as much as the clubs and bars are full at night - a city that never sleeps and the sirens of the police echo across it's metal surface consistently, like a familiar songbird. All races live in this metropolis, from small halflings to tall half-giants, and where magic ebbs and flows in the streets like some illegal drug. One of the few places that exist as a safe haven, [i]Queen of Hearts Bar[/i] employs powerful magic to keep it a mostly violence-free zone, keeping most weapons out via dimensional magic, though brawls can exist here like anywhere else. Where the magic does not protect the patrons, there are plenty of guards paroling to keep the peace. [h3][i]Welcome to the Queen of Hearts Bar![/i][/h3] [hr]