"You're welcome, Chung Po!" Ming grinned wide enough to force her eyes closed. She tilted her head back and towards Natsumi with her own appreciation. "Thank you, Natsumi." She lightly tapped the end of her bow on his head. "You always make songs extra fun." The certain paladin showing his interest approached just as Ming was putting her instrument away. She didn't recognised the oddness of him knowing Ming's surname, instead pondering how playing an instrument was any less of an exercise in flexing muscles. Ming frowned and lifted an eyebrow, before shrugging and accepting the sentiment. "Um..." Ming turned her eyes up and licked her back teeth when Marthysan gave his offer. She should probably let someone smarter make a decision like this. "Okay. If everyone else wants to come, Marthysan of the..." Ming squinted and sniffed at the air. "...Elf?" >Sense Motive on Marthysan, Ming's trying to work out if he's being honest right now: 18