[center][h1][color=Goldenrod] Noah Griffin [/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] As Noah’s mind cleared, his skin shivered. His water soaked shirt plastered to his surface and hindered his movement, weighing them down. It messed with his already delicate balance while he managed to find the pool’s edge. That didn’t last very long. With his back turned to Yin, Noah didn’t see the mischievous fox approach him until it was too late. His spine stiffen abruptly when the clawed finger tapped his shoulder. [color=goldenrod] “I’m fin-”[/color] Before Noah could finish his sentence, he was brought about-face to his concerned… demon. Dread polluted his calm and steady mind, assisted by the dizziness that washed over him when Yin twisted him about. A queasiness swelled into his middle then rushed up. He swallowed the harsh liquid splashing at his throat, his hands pulled behind him to steady himself. A sharp sting flooded his attention when the finger wiped across the wound. Noah’s knuckles tightened, becoming white at how close Yin had gotten. [color=goldenrod][i] ‘Don’t look down… Don’t look down…’[/i][/color] Noah kept repeating in his head as he fixed his eyes at Yin, his expression frozen in an indifferent one.