[@Almalthia]; haii..! One of your friendly Co-GM's here. Would have responded yesterday, but I was busy running around looking after some friends who maybe had a little too much to drink, and who have fallen in love with my pug @.@;; I had a read over both of your darling girls; I would, personally (this is just me), would like to see more information about your characters, especially a little more elaboration in both the personality and the powers sections. Don't be afraid to go a little more in-depth with it, hun. :'3 [@Zarkun]; my oh my... I can see my Ky' vie and Jason getting along, though butting heads quite a bit due to their big personalities. I'm sure we're going to have a lot of fun writing interactions with these two; especially if they end up lab partners in something like his father's class xD I'm more than happy with accepting him..!