"Hm? Most important? Well, for one, you should stop acting like you're a child. If you keep up that foolish behaviour, you don't have any right to be defending your world." Geode grunted. "You're thinking about this too hard. I think it's simple. Way too simple. These order members, they defy the laws of reality with evil energies. You also defy the laws of reality, but not with a sinister aura." Geode pointed at his chest again. "It's... Heart. I think. I don't quite understand it, not fully, but that force that keeps pushing your all forward, the very force that stopped me from [i]possessing your body,[/i] the force that almost [i]erased me entirely...[/i]" Geode grunted again and stammered through a series of words. "Something I can't calculate, or put into real words. Something that can match the defiant nature of Meta energies from beyond the void. It's not just Ki, or arcane energy, or meta energy, or anything like that. It's something stronger than any form of magic." Geode looked to the ground and smiled to himself. "If all else fails, [b]just tough it out.[/b] Eventually, it'll stop hurting so much. I'm sure of it. Then, nothing he has will be able to knock you down. It won't even be able to stagger you."