[hr][center][@The1Rolling1Boy][@Furiosa][@Pilatus][@Rabidporcupine][@Silver Fox][@ReusableSword][@Poi][/center][hr][h2][center][color=fff200] Siobhan [/color][/center][/h2][hr] As the song played Siobhan heard not one voice but two. Both vaguely familiar; both different. Looking out over the crowd she met a pair of what her favorite author would refer to as "fine eyes". He was tall and lean and singing with her. She smiled and titled her head quizzically as if to say "You know this song too?". As the song ended and Ren hustled over to where some bundle of energy was calling for a doctor. Siobhan stood up and trailing a hand over the piano she coquettishly put it between her and the tall dark stranger. [color=fff200] "Well hello there. To whom do I owe an introduction to this fine evening?" [/color] Her heart was racing as she leaned lightly on the piano. She had noted the disturbance and that it had pulled Ren away from her and getting to know him better. Not to mention that Ashton had run that way too and since she didn't have a valid reason to go over there she thought it better to stay where she was to keep out of the way. She'd catch the gish of it later. Music, art and dance she could handle. Medical emergencies were for professionals. If someone wanted a Rembrandt touched up she could do that, but she couldn't patch Rembrandt up himself. Not to mention he was dead anyway. She glanced over at the commotion and noted a hysterical gentleman in...was that cardboard?!?!? It was!! She sighed and shaking her head turned her attention back to the stranger on the other side of the piano and smiled invitingly. She was damn well going to dance at some point this evening she'd be damned if she got dressed up for nothing. Besides tall dark and handsome was just the foil for Ren's blondness. Plus she would probably run into Paige again at some point so having attractive men on hand could come in handy. She had seen her a few times with some rotund Latino gentleman and a flashy Indian and Siobhan thought she'd save Paige at some point tonight. Maybe she could get one of these gents to dance with Paige then plead with the two hanging around Paige that she needed some girl talk and save Paige that way. Yes that sounded good add a drink or few more in and she might just have a really good night. [hr]