[center] [h2][color=orange]Damon Fawkes[/color][/h2] tattoo count: 1 panther [/center] [hr] Damon remained silent while he watched everything unfold. He remained with his arrow in the bow ready to fire, his eyes going to the bars as they narrowed. Those did not look quite right...before he could really think on those the speedster raced through confirming his thoughts that had started about them being illusionary. Lucky for him, while all of this happened the panther did not lunge at anyone. While these tattoos are of his body their listening skills were entirely up to them. His gaze went back to the two brotherhood members fighting. Damon stayed how he was because firing an arrow would result in something that would be less than desirable. The panther tattoo next to him slowly went into position to pounce but was in the same situation. If it pounced on either it would either knock the Ayita wolf or the speedy human. Neither would be ideal. Luckily Nina decided to speak to him. Though what she said had him looking at her with a raised brow. [color=orange]"I have confidence in her, but I will be prepared for that situation."[/color] He was almost offended for her. [hr] [center] [h2][color=lavender]Othello[/color][/h2] condition: medicated [/center] [hr] Othello debated where to go. He could stay there and mess with things or go with her and stand in as back up...or go with her suggestion. He decided on the last. Getting a group all to himself sounded like the most fun to him and thus, he strode off. With a rather joyous step he started hunting down his new found prey. [color=lavender]"Hm I wonder...how should I make my entrance....or should I just randomly appear. Perhaps both?"[/color] The musings of the insane was always fun to listen too. As Othello continued to walk he quietly played with some dice he had on hand. A small smile stretching across his face as he did both things...he would enjoy this. After all, who else had more tricks up their sleeves if not the magician Cheshire cat. He eventually paused and listened trying to hear for the group that was not busy with wonderland and the adder. His group of fun.