[center][h1][i][color=8dc73f]Erin CĂ©leste[/color][/i][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c1219c01-91e8-4510-89fc-c8c00556b9a2.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] Erin listened as Thymond explained his actions- how the Lamia had been a menace, apparently, and that he'd been after her for a while. As she listened, she noticed that he spoke so she could understand him. He may not have been doing it on purpose, but he was using words that were simple and direct enough that she felt confident hearing them in English and knowing for sure what he meant. As he opened the door to the corridor outside and asked her to wait for him, she complied simply because of that. Stepping through the door she heard him say something about wandering off, and suddenly she was alone in the corridor, surrounded by a group of curious creatures. None of them approached her, they all seemed more interested in trying to see into the room where the Lamia's body still lay so close to the doorway. When Thymond closed the door however, many of them turned and walked away at the sight of the man. Erin got the feeling that he was a more notorious figure than he let on- if he wasn't a cop, then he had to be a hitman or something similar. People didn't act like this for any of the other dead Fae she'd encountered. Of course, they hadn't been killed just then, so maybe there was a crowd simply because the scene was still fresh? Standing by the door made her feel uncomfortable, with all the people staring. So, she walked down the hall about 5 feet, leaning with her back against the cavern wall to wait for Thymond, as he said to do.