Vi stood with the rest of the Fairy Tail members. Her clothing was just a simple black dress that reached to the ground. As the rain fell, she kept her head down. It was a too depressing scene to bear. Makarov, Grey, Juvia, and Freed. All of them gone. No one thought that they would die. Everyone survived much worse than that, but it wasn't one of those times. An old proverb echoed through Vi's mind. "At which we feel strongest, we experience how mortal we truly are." Vi, hearing about how everyone was now supposed to vote about who the new headmaster should be, held up her hand after there was a short pause. "I would like to abstain from voting." Vi said. She didn't want this matter to be decided at a funeral. It would impair people's judgements, and would take people's mind off of the mourning. It might help for the latter, but definitely not for the former. Vi never brought up her points, because she didn't want to make a scene during the mourning of fallen comrades.