[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zUDg6Nl.jpg[/img][/center] The [b]Tentacles[/b] spawn. One zips towards the exit, another gets held up, and the final one decides [b]Father C[/b] is a threat when it clambers up from the depths of the chasm. [@rocketrobie2] It strikes at him twice for [color=e50000]2 damage[/color], and then [color=black][b]smashes[/b][/color] for a further [color=e50000]3 damage[/color] that cannot be blocked. Spend a determination to reroll defense for 2 damage? [@DeadBeatWalking] Nearby, [b]Hawkeye Harold[/b] waves his badge in the face of the [b]Scafford Gang[/b]. You all feel emboldened by being in the presence of a deputy, and everyone gains [b]+2 Shots OR +2 Combat[/b] during their next turn. He loads a [b]Dead-eye Bullet[/b] into his gun and plans to shoot at the Scafford Gang on his turn. What's his catchphrase tho ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 If you say it you can use it ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 [b]Approaching Enemies:[/b] [indent]A Void Hound is approaching the Blocked Rail room Approaching Enemies at the Bridge Approaching Enemies at the Rail Chutes room [F1][/indent] [b]Initiative[/b]: [indent][color=darkgray]Void Hound - 7 Void Spiders [+Gate Bridge will spawn] - 6 Deputy Hawkeye - 6 Void Sorceror Gate E1 - 5 Jamie - 5 Scafford Gang - 4 || Stranglers - 4 Night Terror Gate E1 will spawn - 3 Dan - 3 Tentacles - 2[/color] Father C - 2 Hungry Dead Gate E2 will spawn - 1 [/indent]