[b]February 2057[/b] [b]Union of Kor[/b] [hider=Union Of Kor Diplomatic Stance] Cindorayi Empire: Neutral - Warm Peoples Republic of Cindorayi: Neutral - Warm Grand Protectorate of Lithla: Neutral - Cold Vaspen Empire: Neutral - Warm Famsidian Union: Neutral - Cold New Auslassia: Neutral - Cold Unified Soto Guilds: Neutral - Cold Dominion of Isalka: Neutral - Warm Rafinid Technocracy: Neutral - Cold Greater Union of Veluca: Neutral - Cold Pokash: Neutral - Cold [/hider] [b]Capital City[/b] The capital city had been abuze with activity after deciphering what the data from orbital station and news of PRC formation reached the Union of Kor. Outside the city beyond the slums stood a tall missle looking craft. The Union of Kor saw the events last month as signaling it was time for the tari to capture rightful place in the stars. A room within palace set up for broadcasting stood High King Van'kor who was speaking to two dozen tari in spacesuits shown on a screen off to side. Far off in a building where rocket was set up the two dozen tari ready to go into space looked upon image of the High King in full ceremonial garbe. A golden crown with many precious jewels upon Van'kor head while also in view elaborate jacket with gems interwieved along with gold and a flowing purple cape. Van'kor "You twenty four are to show the determination and strength of the tari! You were chosen from birth to be trained for this honor. It is true that you all will die but your names will live on in tari history. You twenty four shall become legends!" The crowd of twenty four tari would cheer from the praise they got. It was no secret that Union of Kor would sacrifice many to just push boundries of science when they seeked advancement. These twenty four tari construction workers all were trained to work in space and would ride the prepared rocket into space. The Union of Kor desired a station to construct a large modular station for many years but always kept public ambitions for space quiet. Rocket set to launch into space was one of a set of six across Union of Kor in project called Pillar. Project Pillar woud first start with a crew rocket containing a fission reactor for the station and the crew along with six months of supplies for them. The five other companion rockets were set up to launch in sequence over the course of month as the payloads of the five were the parts to construct the central pillar. Once in space the supply rockets loads would be tethered to reactor. After six months a resupply rocket would be shot up with more supplies meant for the workers. Project Pillar was with zero plans to ever retrieve the workers, they were to die in space after finishing the central pillar of station within a year. The workers were to be worked to deaths yet they still cheered as High King would salute them and screen cut off. Van'kor "I will be returning to my office now, keep the broadcast equipment set up just encase. I wish to watch the launch from a view." High King Van'kor would unbutton his ceremonial jacket with attached cape tossing it aside then would set crown upon desk. He would go to get his bottle of drink and just drank directly from the bottle as he went to look out his window. It was a big gamble how the other species would see tari suddenly pushing a large amount of resources into space. It would be clear to other countries that the tari had to of been stockpiling the resources for this since at least the Void War if not longer. If this failed the High King would of wasted enough Union of Kor resources that it would take years to build up the materials to attempt this again if it could be attempted again by the tari. Overpopulation and large scale povery in lower castes had been ignored to focus on preparing for this day. Then was matter of phase two, construction of ring segments on surface that would be sent up at later date to form a habitatal ring that rotates around pillar. Union of Kor simply lacked the industrial might and resources to produce the ring segments quickly, would take a decade at best but estimates currently gave even longer. The industrial might of the tari was not equipped to handle this undertaking alone without risking a end to the 120 year long streak of internal peace. High Van'kor would watch the rocket in distance shoot into sky. Van'kor "A lot of work ahead trying to get more trade in motion... heh... good thing I have officials for that. " After a long swig of bottle Van'kor would walk back to his desk and picked up his phone. Normal procedure wouldn't be fast enough so he would expedite the process of informing officals to get trade deals by skipping some steps. Normally this was a process of physical letters being sent out but that would take several days. [b]Underground Military Research Facility[/b] Deep underground in a retrofit mine was the heart of tari government approved research. The mine was actually underneath the capital city of Union of Kor. Before the city had been turned into capital it had the largest and deepest mine ever dug by the tari. Deep inside the retrofit mine a tari general in full uniform along with several guards would step out of elevator. The guards would go to head to a door labeled barracks to check in for new shift while general walked to a security door. Two guards stationed at the door would salute the general. General Hoj had been highest ranking officer in Union of Kor army for fifty years. The long faced tari walked with a obvious limp having a prosthetic leg replacement and was missing his entire left arm, Hoj did not have a prosthetic instead leaving the sleeve empty. Hoj "Where did I put it..." General Hoj would check his pockets until he found a card which he would slide through security lock. After a moment the door would beep opening up. He would walk into a chamber and door would close before spraying the chamber causing the general to cough. Hoj "Ancestors... I'll never get used to that." As the general exited out into hallway a second set of guards would salute him. General Hoj would return the salute. Tari military salute being beat chest once with a closed fist then extend the fist outward at a slight angle. The general would follow the path labeled 'medical studies' where the majority of modern tari prosthetics and other medical advancement had come out of in last thirty years. A door would open and general would step into a lab. Buvi "Ah! General Hoj, right on time for your appointment." Doctor Buvi head of research for the medical studies wing of research facility. She was a long faced tari that was only seventy two years old and lead developer of the current artifical heart that has been undergoing trials for last decade. Her white lab coat had various grease stains on it. The lab looked far from a medical one with mechanical tools and equipment just everywhere. She would rise up from her chair going to start unbuttoning the generals jacket. Hoj "Before you ask, has been no irritants and I have done best to keep it dry." Buvi "Good good, this prototype advanced chitanite socket is the next breakthrough in prosthetics I tell you. Today Hoj you will walk out with two arms! Or tomorrow depending on how long it takes to callibrate the arm. Maybe longer!" General Hoj would let out a sigh as jacket came off revealing heavy bandaging over where his left shoulder would be. It had been almost around fourty years since he had lost his arm and using his influence had got himself into trial for new experimental prosthetic. For better part of three years he had undergone a dozen surgeries to reinforce his spine with chitanite for what was to come. The spinal surgery having originally been created solely to fix broken back of a tari when it was beyond how it could heal naturally. As Doctor Buvi would use scissors to cut away the bandages the left shoulder of Hoj was revealed, it was a rather complex socket where a shoulder should be. Truth be told Hoj had only just met the requirements for the surgery as he luckily had decided to keep his left shoulder back when doctors amputated his mangled arm. Buvi "Clean? Yes it is clean, good. No swelling around the socket, very good. Hoj you are going to be the first! The fools studying eggs miss the point, chitanite is strength of the tari. Now onto the table, go go." Hoj "Normally I wouldn't put up with being bossed around." Doctor Buvi would let out a laugh then jumped into her chair turning to grab controls. A mechanical arm would lift up a rather clean looking prosthetic arm. Was little attempt to make it pass for realsitic as the sleek white plastic covers over more delicate mechanical parts gave a very robotic feeling. One of a kind constructed for General Hoj. Buvi would guide arm into position then in a swift motion shot the arm into socket, a mechanical clang as the arm locked into socket. A few curses escaped Hoj then the doctor got up from her chair. Buvi "Up! Up up. Need you sitting up for calibrations." Hoj "Ugh... you didn't say it would hurt." Buvi "Vibrations were likely to bother bones when prosthetic was attached but did not know. Didn't want to say so would get a geninune response." Hoj "...anyway lets get this over with." Buvi "First you get my gift?" Hoj "Jacket pocket, really need to get out more." Hoj sat up with a grunt and looked at his arm, it felt odd to have so much weight on one side. Meanwhile the doctor was quickly checking the generals jacket pockets until she found her prize, a pack of cigs. She laughed and did a little jump before falling into her chair and spinning in chair. Buvi "Glorious! They don't let doctors take these into the facility." The general would let out a grunt indicating he wanted to get on with it. Doctor Buvi nodded taking a cig from pack and lighting it. After taking a long drag she rolled chair over to the general and popped bicep cover to plug in several wires then rolled back to a computer screen. Buvi "Now... the boring work begins. Act like your moving your left arm." Hoj "Nothing is happening." Buvi "No no! Visualize yourself moving the arm you lost. I need your nerves to send singals to receptors in the socket so they activate motors in your new arm." Hoj "Oh..." Buvi "Yes! Like that, now through trial and error we are to calibrate each receptor." Hoj "Doesn't sound like it will take long." Buvi "Hahaha! With readings now your stuck with me for next few days. The amount of calibrations this will take will be... a lot. Your prototype arm and socket is two to five years down the line from actually being something regulars get." Was a sigh that came from general as the two began to work. General would move his prosthetic arm then doctor would work on computer and repeat that. With how the arm would move indicated that the good doctor and general would be stuck together for a while. For a long time tari had used chitanite fused to bone to act as a anchor for socket to lock in simple prosthetics though the prototype Buvi has been working on was one of a kind.