[@KoL][@chukklehed][@Silver Carrot][@Awesomoman64] Circe listened to the Vice Principal tell her to take a hike as she covered the body with her coat. The shifter knew when she lost, and threw her hands up in surrender. But she also looked at the Vice Principal Reiko with determination in her eyes. She mused over her words carefully before she spoke, sounding as diplomatic as possible. [color=f49ac2]"Your right Miss. Reiko, although I think the student body should be informed of what it is that's attacking them, so that we can better defend ourselves. That is the whole point of this school is it not??"[/color] She knew she bordered insubordination, but any information could save lives if the creature came back. Before Miss. Reiko could discipline her any further Circe stuck her hands into her pockets, turned on her heel and went back towards the school. As she exited the woods she caught a glimpse of a girl, and a golem of some sort walking back towards the school with the boy and centaur she saw earlier. She could use a clique right now, if homelessness taught her anything, there was strength in numbers. She picked up her pace and called out to them, trying her best to put a pleasant smile on her face. [color=f49ac2]"Hey guys wait up!!"[/color]