[centre][hider=Alya "Nez" Nunez] [h2]A L Y A N U N E Z[/h2] [i][b]Nez[/b][/i] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/600/272/large/anton-skeor-venger.jpg?1463517758[/img] [/hider] [b]Origin Nation Name:[/b] Dreshan 26I [b]Nation Description:[/b] Dreshan 26I is not a physical place, nor can it be seen by the human eye. It exists inside the virtual world, a piece of code to create a large digital world. Dreshan has seen many incarnations, the most recently being 26I; the latest version of the world. Dreshan is a place full of simulations varying from small ones, to huge ones which can reflect another world almost perfectly (called sub-plots). The world is mostly used to test an android's abilities. Their code can be almost perfect, but since A.I.'s can have a conscience, no one can count on code and code alone. Note: These simulations aren't your everyday flight test simulators or something like that, they can be and often are very life-like. An android can live their whole life (until they get dismantled, deleted or outdated) there without knowing they are an android. E.D.G.E. (see: Allegiances) doesn't often do this, only in special cases or when it's too much money/work to make an android fully operational. Then they will let the android live in the world until they cause trouble. Furthermore, a simulation in Dreshan 26I is no meant to test a single thing (it doesn't have a predestined beginning and end). It is meant as an augmented world to see how the A.I.'s operate under certain circumstances. Say for example: what drives them to go rogue, what happens when thy get pushed to their limits. What will cause them to glitch or become a danger to a race? [b]Allegiances:[/b] E.D.G.E. E.D.G.E. is the company behind Dreshan. It created the world to test the androids. At it's inception it was a small company with a few servers. It was nothing more than a code-reader program which could notice small bugs that would normally go unnoticed by older software. Over many years they created a virtual world where the androids could be tested in a digital world. By now they also made their own highly advanced androids able to experience human emotions. What differentiates a normal android from one of E.D.G.E.'s androids, is that E.D.G.E. often uses human aspects in their code. They don't just make the perfect soldier or the perfect simulator. They make androids with augmented human choices, human mistakes, and human feelings. They want to create a world where everyone will upload their conscience into an android body and live in their world. And also not being able to tell the difference between a person/creature who uploaded themselves, and an android that was artificially created. Not just for power or world domination, but for the survival of the races. [b][h3]P H Y S I C A L[/h3][/b] [b]Age:[/b] 21 (14 years since creation) [b]Race:[/b] Android (E.D.G.E.) [b]Race Description:[/b] Nez looks just like an ordinary human. Her android body is very lifelike and consists of artificial skin so it feels like normal human skin. She has neuro-implants to feel physical stimuli, but can turn them off at any point. Feeling physical pain or pleasure costs a lot of battery life, but it also makes her feel less human. She doesn't want to be human, but also doesn't want to be just a piece of code. It makes her feel less alive and more like a straight-out-of-the-factory product. [b]Typical Outfit Description:[/b] Usually Nez wears a dark-grey shirt underneath a black leather jacket, grey jeans and long black boots with glowing purple LED-laces (with E.D.G.E.'s tech implants for cloaking). She sometimes likes to wear real human clothes made from fiber or cotton and such. She rarely wears anything colourful and tends to go for dark muted clothing. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Stormy grey with a slight purplish tint [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b][h3]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/h3][/b] [b]Summary: [/b] Nev is genetically logical and observant. She maps her surroundings and calculates quickly if a risk is worth it or not. She is very decisive so she doesn't hesitate. This makes her quite impatient and impulsive at times, which sometimes overpowers her logical side. Due to her being impulsive and impatient, she can be very short-tempered. Even though she has her flaws, she is compassionate and a dependable young woman. She doesn't often break promises and rarely makes promises she knows she can't keep. She is truthful, even when the truth hurts someone. Nev is also very adventurous and curious. She likes to see many places and knowing as much as possible. Of course this has its limits since her memory-cores are only so big, but she uploads her knowledge to external 'hard-drives'. She can come over as a little secretive. She is truthful, but sometimes avoids telling everything. She rarely tells lies. Nev is independent to an extend. She will never truly be independent since she needs regular updates and repairs, but she is no damsel in distress. She can save herself. She is judgemental towards people who act like they are in distress but really have no need to be. She doesn't like people who cry over nothing or are very sensitive. Lastly, Nev is controlling and stubborn. She doesn't like to give the reins to someone else, even when it's logically better. Her logic only goes so far until her 'free will' and personality takes over. [b]Mental Strengths: [/b] -Logical -Observant -Compassionate -Dependable -Decisive -Lively [b]Mental Weaknesses:[/b] -Impatient -Impulsive -Short-tempered -Judgemental -Controlling -Stubborn [b]Loves/Likes:[/b] -Puzzles (anything that challenges her computing power) -Truly original concepts (she can't think of anything really out of the box or something that isn't programmed into her mind or what has happened already) -Collecting things which aren't in the digital world. [b]Hates/Dislikes:[/b] -Restaurants (because she is an android she doesn't use food as a way to sustain herself. Therefore she never goes to restaurants. She just doesn't like them. A lot of people sitting in one place eating expensive foods while they can get by by sustaining themselves by eating only what they need.) -Birds (she just doesn't like them. They frighten her) -Reading (one of the worst and slowest ways of gathering information if you ask her). -Expensive things/luxury things [b]Fears:[/b] -Deletion. Nez is aware that she is basically code (even though she has a conscience), and like any code, she can be deleted. It's not easy to just delete an androids code, but it is possible with the right knowledge and acces. It scares her to the point that it would take a lot for her to cross lines, since she knows what the consequences of that would be. -Drainage. Like most androids she has a battery. She has to charge it every X amount of time if she wants to keep moving in her body. If she is too late with charging herself, her body will shut down and someone else will have to charge her or she is uploaded back into Dreshan 21I as a safety mechanism, leaving her body exposed. She can only upload herself back into it, if the body is charged. Otherwise she is stuck into the virtual world. [b][u]Brief Background[/u][/b] Nez used to be a prototype android called Y24 which could use magic, but her code was faulty and failed at doing the task of magic. She was almost deleted, but before she could, she copied herself into an external drive and survived there. After a year or so, she got put back into Dreshan by accident and was hunted down by virus scanners which showed itself as physical entities inside the world. She eventually made herself useful by her ability to show human emotion. Dreshan decided to keep her around and function as a test-subject for creating a close-to-human android. Her mind was updated and she was fitted with neurological implants which made her feel things like pain. After years of testing with new code and getting fitted with new memories, she is now known as Alya Nunez. Nez for short. She doesn't know it, but she is used to collect data. Data between interactions and how the human mind works. She is a pawn to create an augmented human mind in an A.I. [b][h3]T A L E N T S[/h3][/b] [b][u]Magic[/u][/b] Nez comes from a place of technology, so magic isn't really present in Dreshan, but there are some things that the androids can do which can be considered as magic (even though it is technology). [list][*][b]Creating small forcefields/barriers[/b] This ability is faulty. It often doesn't work. [*][b]Combustion/creating fire[/b] She can combust certain objects or set them on fire from a distance. She can heat the object up to such an extend that it will either catch fire or combust. AN: She rarely uses this since it drains a lot of her battery (since she basically converts energy into heat, which isn't very efficient). [/list] [b][u]Technology[/u][/b] She is a being made purely of technology, which means that she doesn't carry around things, she uploads them into her mind or upgrades her body. [list][*][b]Hacking[/b] Due to her being an android, she can detect code and understand it fairly easy (if it's not more advanced or too different from the code in Deshran 21I.) [*][b]Downloading information (rapid learning)[/b] This has to be the same code or close to the code that is used in Deshran 21I. If not, she cannot download the information unless she learns the code. Her memory cores also have a limit. She can only remember or download so much at a time before she has to delete something. [*][b]Draining/powering machines[/b] This is also kind of a flaw/weakness of her. If she powers a machine, she quickly uses up battery life. [/list] [b][u]Skills[/u][/b] [list][*][b]Calculating[/b] Her computing power is very powerful which means she can calculate complex equations with ease. It can make her anticipate events before they happen. The more complex the equation, the harder it is. This makes her really good at games like chess [*][b]Repairs[/b] She is amazingly skilled at repairing things. Give her some bolts tools and she can get something to work again. [/list] [b][u]Powers[/u][/b] [list][*][b]Immunity to pain and physical stimuli[/b] At least when she has that option turned off. E.D.G.E. doesn't like it if their androids to that since it's not their goal, but they allow it under certain circumstances (e.g. when the pain would mentally scar or kill a mortal being.). [*][b]Cloaking ability[/b] 'Invisibility'. She can cloak/camouflage herself when she needs to. Her technical skeleton and augmented skin can take on any colour she wants it too. This option is not installed in most of the androids, but Nez was allowed it because of her former occupation. She doesn't use it much since it drains a lot of battery. It also only changes her android exterior and what tech it comes with it if it has cloaking abilities. Regular clothes won't cloak (this is why she often wears E.D.G.E.'s clothes), and it also only changes the colour (like a Chameleon. Even though the colours change, you still see faint outlines and shadows/highlights). [/list] [b][h3]O T H E R[/h3][/b] [b]Player Input:[/b] This role-play seems really interesting. It's so free. It has very few limitations in terms of the CS (since you can make up any background you like), and I'm surprisingly into the cyberpunk genre. As for dedication, I believe I'm pretty dedicated. At this point in time I do a lot of roleplays, but I do sometimes take breaks from certain rp's. I always notify my co-players if I need a break and try to post whenever I can. We all work on a world together and it would be mean to just up and leave it without notifying everyone. They invest time in it too. Lastly, I put a lot and a lot of time in this CS :P So it would be nice if you would accept it XD [/hider][/centre]