Galen Wormwood was unwanted from birth, an unwanted child from an unwanted coupling. He was tossed away as soon as his proud mother could get rid of him, left to die in some dangerous cavern or other. Fate had no such plans for Galen, though, and he was soon picked up and brought to the surface. He was raised by a noble family that thought it a grand jest to raise a half-drow child, and they didn't exactly take the best of care for their pet. One fine afternoon, at what he reckons was close to his fifteenth birthday, Galen grew fed up with his new "parents," took a butchers knife and gave the whole family a red smile. It didn't take long for news of his murders to reach the authorities, however, and he soon found himself hiding in back alleys, digging for what little food he could find around the area. His first real friend was a man who went by the name of William the Swift. Shifty Bill, as those around called him, made a living pilfering from the rich, and took a shine to little Galen. Galen made a good partner in con schemes, bumping into people to get their attention, while old Bill robbed them blind. "They're hardly even people," Bill used to tell him, "Besides, they won't miss a few coins here and there." Bill couldn't have been more wrong. One time was all it took. One mistake, and William the Swift was swiftly shortened by exactly one head-length. Galen was devastated. They just couldn't help taking everything away from him, could they? Galen's skin hardened right up like stone in his fury, and he lost it. The whole town was gone the next morning, save a single pier, where a boat had once been docked. Crewed up with a gang of the rowdiest bunch of hooligans he could muster on such short notice, he started harrying noble cities from here to Waterdeep. He even earned a nickname or two in the process. Galen the Mad and Galen Stoneskin were his favorites, though "that pirate bastard" and "that damned drow" were uttered much more often. It all came to an end one night, when another ship came up behind his. He thought he was going crazy, but one of them was swinging a whole damned anchor over his head. Before he'd even processed it, there was a crash, and an anchor came right down on top of his head, splitting his face wide open. What happened next, he wasn't so sure, but he woke up with his face sewn together, but all askew. And worse, yet, he was in a goddamned jail. It wasn't long before he got out, though. They kept him alive so he could steal for them, so he did, and he waited. One day, he'd get back at them. And in the meantime, he'd use them to get rid of his legal problems. Fortunately, 30 years after he started, he got the chance when a minor rebellion overthrew his master. And he politely opened the door for them, before just walking away and leaving them to do what rebels do to nobles they overthrow.