[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fancy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180113/e8decbf5348896c6f22cd26da2085744.png[/img][/url] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fancy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180113/53b95166c74355b2de925b0fda501866.png[/img][/url] Location: Archer Family Household [hr][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/10a4180b9f89c0de6ce3b02cbacd2ead/tumblr_mzk38iCweP1r8y7vqo8_r1_250.gif[/img][img]https://image.ibb.co/k3PJK6/ezgif_com_resize.gif[/img] [url=https://image.ibb.co/nzkdmm/quinns_blue_scarf_yellow_top_453x580.jpg]Mimi’s Outfit[/url] | [url=https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/2N0m36a8xoDmYTC8Cbga3xdVAavsJ4XE_F8ateeLI8M/https/68.media.tumblr.com/caddacfe13a8d8a4e837b69415df2b3b/tumblr_nwlmiuNj7A1u8au21o1_500.jpg?width=379&height=568]Matt’s Outfit[/url][hr][url=https://youtu.be/YxIiPLVR6NA]“There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.”[/url][hr][/center] [color=hotpink]"Matty come on. Mom and Dad won't know or find out plus I really need to return Grayson's camera and get mine back. I know he will be at the party so it's the best chance to do it since I'm supposed to take pictures at the church Sunday."[/color] Miriam pleaded with her brother, already dressed for the party. While the younger sibling was for the most part being truthful for her reasoning of wanting to stop by the party, she did have an ulterior motive of wanting to get her brother out of the house. Something he had been refusing to do since returning home, only leaving for church or church events. The mission trip had taken her brother, put him through hell and thrown him back into a household of his own personal hell, one where she knows he feels alone. He had told her. That was one thing that luckily hadn’t changed, their trust for one another. Miriam trusted Matthew with everything and Matthew trusted Miriam with everything just the same. Matt was thankful for having that relationship with his sister. He knew even if he felt alone in his house Miriam was right there besides him, even when he couldn’t see her. The siblings shared a bond that no one else could quite understand nor would anyone else in their lives ever make it anywhere close to that type of bond. Unfortunately that bond came with some downfalls, for example when Matt was going to say no he saw his sister pull her puppy dog face, once she had perfected years ago, that he could not ever say no to. [color=teal]“Ugh… fine Mimi. But on two conditions!”[/color] The elder brother held up two fingers with one hand as his other ran through his already messy blonde hair. [color=teal]”One, I am not changing. Two, we do not stay longer than an hour, preferably 30 minutes!”[/color] Miriam grinned widely at her brother doing a quick once over of his outfit to make sure it was good enough for a New Years Eve party. He had on tan pants with a blue button up long sleeve over a white t-shirt. It wasn’t too casual but not too fancy either so it was good enough. [color=hotpink]”You’ll have all the boys falling for you while we are there Matt! Now let’s go. We can’t be late or else I may never find Grayson.”[/color] Miriam grabbed Matt’s hand after carefully grabbing Grayson’s camera bag, then she dragged him out to his car as he groaned grabbing his keys off the hook as they passed the place where keys hung. If there was one thing he hated his sister talking about, it was about him getting out there or anything about him and other boys. Not after what he went through, but Miriam refused to let him hide away fully from who he was and if there was one thing he knew about his sister it was that she was stubborn and if her mind was set on something then it would happen. [hr] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fancy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180113/88eced4ad597b19d8b8b477467ca1a50.png[/img][/url] [color=Teal]Location: El Jefe Beach House[/color] [color=Teal]Interacting with: JJ [@Avanhelsing][/color] [hr][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/372ad632e313c47bda6be35e17257282/tumblr_mxb32lDip21qboiilo7_250.gif[/img][hr][/center] [i][color=hotpink]”You can get your keys back when I decide it’s time for us to leave the party. Now go see your old friends. Make new ones! Have fun Matt! It’s New Years Eve! Basically the time for new beginnings!”[/color][/i] A frown formed on his face as he watched his sister runoff after stealing his car keys and giving him a pat on the cheek. Pinching the bridge of his nose he began to walk towards the party after her, [color=teal]”I am so getting her back for this…”[/color] Walking by different people Matt looked around, seeing new faces and old. It was weird to be at a party again, he hadn’t been since before… he shook his head. Matt didn’t want to think about that, not if he was going to be forced to be at this party for however long his sister wanted them to be there. His sister wanting to be at a party, being willing to stay at a party reminded him of how much had changed since he left. His sister talked about never participating in such an event where she could be tempted by the devil in so many different ways. Miriam had even told him one time her freshman year that she was actually scared of the idea of partying. Obviously that was no longer true, she’d definitely become less religious since he left. Matt kept it to himself, but he was honestly proud of that, it proved and showed just how much she cared for him and really was on his side. Even if she ditched him to fend for himself at this party after being gone for over a year. Looking around Matt decided he wanted nothing to do with all the sweaty, dancing bodies in the main area so he pushed himself through the crowd, giving small waves to those who noticed and somehow remembered who he was. Once getting through he went out onto the back deck and leaned against the back railing staring out at the beach and ocean, letting his mind wander. But he was snapped back to reality when he heard someone approach him and begin speaking to him, turning to face the guy talking to him he couldn’t help but instantly notice how attractive the guy was. Refocusing on the guy’s words, [i][color=1a7b30]”-you are new? Oh and would you like a beer?”[/color][/i] [color=teal]”Uh, sure thanks.”[/color] Matthew took the beer, trying to ignore the fact that a part of him was definitely turned on by that sweet like honey Texan accent. [color=teal]”I guess you could say I’m new in a way, just been away from school I guess is the best way to put it.”[/color] He let out a chuckle that was somewhat sarcastic but if you didn’t know him you wouldn’t be able to tell that well. When the guy introduced himself as JJ, Matthew smiled reaching his empty hand out feeling a minor surge of confidence that he wanted to use while it lasted. [color=teal]”Matthew Archer, but most call me Matt. Pleasure to meet you JJ."[/color] This boy in front of Matt was doing something to him that he didn’t know how to react to and he knew this boy was probably going to change his life. For the good? Who knows, but it was a chance he was willing to take at this point. His life couldn’t really get much worse than it was. Maybe he’d be thanking his sister by the end of the night, now that would be a shock… but a good one. One he was hoping for. [hr] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/signature-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180114/d58100e626670b459e21f153f0e96478.png[/img][/url] [color=Hotpink]Location: El Jefe Beach House[/color] [color=Hotpink]Interacting with: Pippa and Grayson[@Syn][@Emma][/color] [hr][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/84036238cabfc129aa0114e7bde52196/tumblr_mzpyxoEKrj1s03l95o1_250.gif[/img][hr][/center] [color=hotpink]”You can get your keys back when I decide it’s time for us to leave the party. Now go see your old friends. Make new ones! Have fun Matt! It’s New Years Eve! Basically the time for new beginnings!”[/color] Giving her brother a quick kiss on the cheek she ran off before he could steal his keys back from her. But as soon as she reached the actual party she became more like she was at school. Stepping inside the door and looking around she held Grayson’s camera bag closer to her. Maybe she should have left it in the car, well it was too late for that. Mimi would just have to do her best to protect it by keeping it close to her. Doing so she pushed into the crowd, immediately regretting doing so. At only 5’0” she was easy to push around and get moved without wanting to be. This was her first party and the younger Archer was definitely beginning to regret choosing to come, but she shook that thought out of her head because this was for her brother… and for Grayson as his camera bag was currently hugged against her chest. Mainly for her brother though. With more determination she used her shoulder to push against people saying the occasional ‘excuse me’ and ‘sorry’ as she did so until she spotted her friend Pippa. Deciding to just go talk to her for now she began to make her way that way, but when she got closer Miriam noticed that Pippa was holding hands with Grayson, making her smile. It was obvious the dark-haired girl liked the boy and seeing this made her happy for Pippa. The situation was also highly convenient for Mimi. Quickly making her way to them, she tapped both of them on the shoulder before returning to holding the camera bag against her chest as people were still pushing against her. She was not going to have made it this far just to lose the camera. [color=hotpink]”Hi Pippa. Hi Grayson.”[/color] Mimi tried to talk loud enough to be heard above the music, but she wouldn’t be surprised if she could be heard. Being surrounded by so many people brought out her shy side which meant she naturally just talked quieter. Looking down at their hands and looking to Pippa, she gave the girl a knowing smile before turning to Grayson. [color=hotpink]”Umm Grayson, I have your camera. We must have somehow switched by accident.”[/color] Once again hoping she had been heard, she looked to them and waited for them to say something. Feeling a bit awkward standing still in the middle of the party.