[@Lord Zee] Yeah, that's why there's quotation marks :brow [hr] [hider=Forbidden knowledge] Name: Vetra Also known as: The Librarian of the Forbidden temple, Queen of Egypt, The Goddess of the Fate Age: [color=00aeef]"I only know I'm younger than the others, but older than some of them."[/color] God Aspect: Forbidden Knowledge and Fate Personality: Curious, a romantic, and quite easily distracted. she is constantly bored unless she is around Goehearth, because she can't read or predict him at all. Parents: Solaria and Lunus Sexuality: Straight Female Form on Earth: [img]https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.girlschase.com%2Fimages%2Fpickup-girl-library.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.girlschase.com%2Fcontent%2Fgirls-you-ll-meet-library-and-how-pick-them&docid=annktIv1LhUqLM&tbnid=v2cfCTy-cIHtUM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwif7tWFtdjYAhWg8oMKHdXNCLcQMwhHKAgwCA..i&w=700&h=467&safe=active&bih=622&biw=1366&q=librarian&ved=0ahUKEwif7tWFtdjYAhWg8oMKHdXNCLcQMwhHKAgwCA&iact=mrc&uact=8[/img] True Form: [img]https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjhi_z_ttjYAhVFnuAKHXiPDPQQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Frachelfrey9621%2Fdark-natasha-art%2F&psig=AOvVaw1Op9U6EYZsDP0KeG4Nhlsi&ust=1516052813171098[/img] Powers: [i]Terrible Truth[/i] Vetra can give someone of her choosing a horrible secret of life or existence in general only she knows. This normally leads to insanity, stroke, or in the cases of gods and demi-gods, change of alignment(good turns evil, evil turns good, nuetral picks). [i]Dangerous knowledge[/i] Vetra can learn any lie or truth, and use it against the person it effects. This includes weaknesses. [i]Fate Weaver[/i] Vetra can alter the destiny of any creature other than gods, but she can effect the fate of the area around a god. Weapon: [i]Gauntlet of Wisdom[/i] Vetra wears a collection of jewelry on her right hand that when combined make a gauntlet of great power. The power of the gauntlet gives power to the age of her target, be it inanimate or an organism. This can degrade or kill obstacles or build walls in areas, depending on how she wants it to age. History: Vetra, young for a fate god, was always bored and quiet during the god's golden years. Knowing when somethings going to happen or predict what will happen nearly flawlessly gets really boring. So she constantly looked for things that were not predictable. She only found one; Goehearth. The other gods may have been immune to fate, but they were predictable. So, she followed around Goehearth like a lost puppy(pun if you look at her true form). She would watch his on-doings and constantly try to predict him, but constantly failed. So, when his "Mate" died, she seemed to follow him more. She thought it was just her getting into the game, but her mind kept going towards the gutter. When man was made, she instantly saw their collective path. So, she decided to mess with it. She began the kingdom of Egypt, and ruled it when ever she visited. However, she only took major matters and most of the time she had her general rule it basically. She knew it wouldn't be permanent, but it was fun. Before Desious locked the gate, she made preparations for it for it was her prediction it would happen. To last the time predicted, she gave herself the riches to last the time allotted. So, she would be fine. And she put herself in Egypt in time to be re-anointed queen of Egypt in time. History: After Desious locked the gate, Vetra became many powerful women. Cleopatra of Egypt, Empress Wu of china, and Queen Victoria. But she eventually settled for simpler existence as head librarian of the Library of Congress. She spent much time there and for some reason, no one came in so she was left to her own musings. Then the gate opened like she predicted, and as soon as that happened, she rushed home after work using her true form's speed. She grabbed her gauntlet and packed for a nice adventure to where Death's enemy the Hollow would ring the bell. Motive: Find the other gods, have a word with Death, and follow Goehearth. Optional Content [hider=Opinions] Amos: [color=00aeef]Stuck up, predictable bastard. And he is very boring. He is like a broken record, always doing the same thing...over, and over, and over....*sigh*[/color] Desious: [color=00aeef]"Death? Please, all he is a glorified reaper. I control the it happens time, he oversees it. He may not do it himself, but he does little in my eyes. [/color] Fiala: [color=00aeef]"Luck is a thought in my eye. What happens is predictable, should you know the variables. It's easy. Which is why she likes it easy."[/color] Hiraga: [color=00aeef]"'She's got a stick up her ass' Goehearth would say. I say that sums it up. Besides, he knows her quite well from her constant fighting with him."[/color] Goehearth: [color=00aeef]"I love my older brother, more than I care to admit, but he barely notices me unless it was to mess with his and death's chess games in the few instances that death wasn't allowing him to win."[/color] Brod: [color=00aeef]"He's decent. He sticks to his trade and relishes in it. He may be predictable, but he still takes pleasure in it."[/color] Stjerne: [color=00aeef]"Stars are beautiful, and I thank him for that. It helped my favorite Egypt with navigation and their constructs. I love him for that. He's my second favorite brother."[/color] Zencrux: [color=00aeef]"My nephew? He's brutish. He may have gentle hands, but his anger is unmanageable. I do like him for his sometimes unpredictable weather, but usually it's quite easy to predict."[/color] Cyl'Nyarlith: [color=00aeef]"Cyl I like for her knowledgeable conversations, but she seems to have some screws loose."[/color] Huseror: [color=00aeef]"Why the most of the other gods know little about him is quite foolish. I know he had little to do with our world, but he was still lurking in the shadows of dark places. I mean, how do you not notice a purple eye in the shadows peaking through like a pervert. I mean, come on!"[/color] The Demigods: [color=00aeef]"They are like humans; children. They need guidance, but also free rein. Even if they have destinies."[/color] [/hider] [/hider] I worked [i]way[/i] to long on this. Probably because I don't make many female characters.