[i]Althalus[/i] He whistled softly to himself, making his way through the college. He didn't remember much after getting to the center room. Cursing and fighting. Sudden surprise and fear. Then he woke up, the teacher summoning him back and demanding to know what had happened. He didn't know, much to the frustration of both of them, and they all loaded up and went back to the college. The mission, as crazy as it had been, was mostly complete. He cleaned himself off upon returning, and checked how Mar's and Lyn's missions had gone. Not well. Mar barely escaped with her life from a mad king that would have all to happily gutted her alive, and Lyn nearly killed herself by jumping from a building she was in no position to reach across. He couldn't find either of them, Mar he believed was hiding herself to recoup and balance. Hopefully not repress as well. Lyn, well, he'd find Lyn in one of her hidey holes sooner or later. She had to know he had found out about her stupid risk, and wanted to avoid his rebuke. For now, he was looking for Helena, as the girl had asked him (repeatedly) to train her how to be better at fighting than she currently was. With nothing better to do, and the strong feeling that no matter how many times he told her no she'd keep bothering him to do so, Althalus was looking for her and one other person to help. He smiled. This was going be fun. Not for Helena, of course, but he was going to thoroughly enjoy himself. Alaira was an enthusiastic trainer, more than enough to get Helena started on her training she was so eager to start. Who knows? If he was lucky enough she'd give up on the whole endeavor and leave him alone. Having someone from Port Slaughter be so interested in him was dangerous. Not that she'd ever figure it out, but still. He didn't need someone like that around Lyn. Althalus rounded the corner, catching Alaria's final words, his grin growing broader. [color=00aeef]"Ah! The two women I was looking for. Alaira, I see you've met Helga already. She's asked me to train her on how not to be utterly terrible at fighting with knives. For the sake of that, I was looking to recruit you to help out. Would you mind too terribly to go with us to the training yard? Can't whatever you've got to do today wait a little longer?"[/color] He gave his best winning smile, looking up at the tall elf. [@Freeshooter92] [@May]