[center][h1][color=gray] Tribulations IV [/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=gainsboro]Death[/color]+[color=cyan]Keyla[/color][/h2][/center] [color=gainsboro]"This is no place for a discussion of such magnitude Hiraga, but no, they are not open. I have no idea where your brother is but I feel his wrath will be terrible. He does get it from your mother after all."[/color] Death calmly stated, then turned to Stjerne, [color=gainsboro]"Time is of the essence, take us somewhere out of the prying eyes of mortals, please. I fear Huseror to be on the move already, and as I have said, there are many things you all must understand now. Now, let us be off, quickly."[/color] --- Keyla was caught by one of the men much to her relief. When she looked up at him however, she saw his piercing red eyes and the way he smiled was unnerving. This man would probably have scared anyone but what she saw was far more terrible, that really couldn't be him, could it? After he went off to greet the newcomers, Keyla had a minute to herself. Something felt warm inside her, steadily growing in strength and it frightened her. She had no idea what was going on, and her family... Her family! She checked her phone to see several missed calls from her mother, had it really been that long? She was about to call when the man returned and told her his name. Goehearth, The God of Anarchy... It didn't ring a bell, could this man be crazy? Is this why this section of the town was so rundown, because of all this craziness? But how did that explain what she had seen? Maybe she was really home, maybe it was all just a fever dream in her head. But when she looked at them all, she could not help but feel akin to them, in someway. She felt a general concern for them, when she barely even knew them... Keyla then noticed Goehearth's gaze at last, he was waiting for her reply. [color=cyan]"I-I am Keyla."[/color] Her voice went silent as she heard the old man state they needed to leave. Out of the eyes of prying mortals... She began to hyperventilate again. They weren't going to take her were they? Anxiety and fear began to build in her, she could feel it rising to the point where the only thing she wanted to do was hide but her legs were unmoving once more. Something deep inside of her suddenly snapped then, sending the warmth that was deep down inside, erupting throughout her body in a warm tingling sensation. When it the tingling sensation stopped, Keyla felt relaxed and calm. All of her anxiety and fear was gone in an instant. She smiled, somehow she knew everything was going to be okay. [center][h1][color=gray]The Mountain's Visitors[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=gold]Amos[/color][/h2][/center] The air rippled and suddenly before him came Cyl'Nyarlith, the youngest child of his parents. His youngest sibling. No wonder why the portal had been stirring, Cyl was the master of magic. Amos had seen them in action firsthand, but found their duel personality to be troublesome and unpredictable. To be honest, he hadn't made contact with Cyl since before the fall. Once the humans arrived, her absence was noted. It was a surprise to see Cyl, that much he knew but Amos would have to watch them carefully. He approached Cyl, making himself noticeable and spoke. [color=gold]"Hello Cyl'Nyarlith, it's been awhile."[/color] [@Rune_Alchemist][@Forsythe][@GrizzTheMauler][@Dealdric][@Kazemitsu][@mercenarius]