[quote=@The 42nd Gecko] [@GamerXZ] The Happyverse is a separate universe from the Nexus. Nexus is eternal war, and once you're inside, you can't leave. Happyverse is eternal peace, and ruled by cats. So, if you go to the Happyverse, you basically have to make up your own SoL adventures, and don't get to interact with the Nexus. If you go to the Nexus, you're forever in the war that is the main focus of the RP, so you always have things to do. It matters slightly because eventually the Happyverse and the Nexus will meet, and obviously, there will be some differences of opinion when eternal peace and eternal war meet. I only brought it up because you mentioned you're a dimension hopper, and if you go into the Nexus, you don't get to leave. You're stuck. If the concept of dimension hopping is key to the character rather than merely a reason to get to the Nexus, I figured you might want to know all the options. [/quote] Alright, thanks for your input. I asked cause dimension hopping is kinda key to my character and their powers, like you believed.