[@Aristo] Couple of things. First, the image of the helmet doesn't appear, I'm not sure why. Second, and I guess this isn't the biggest deal, but another player who has submitted a sheet already has his mech use stealth. Thirdly, the style does not match. I did provide an image in the first post that shows the general configuration. Though we're not literally in the world of Titanfall, it is the primary inspiration for the style of robot. You don't need to be knowledgeable, or even necessarily familiar with the game, so long as you can fit the style. [hider=More Examples] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/titanfall/images/d/d2/All_Titanfall_2_Titans.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/650?cb=20170706110541[/img] [/hider] You also go overboard on the utility section. The section is meant to show your mech's unique special ability(singular). An advanced projectile interception system fits, but you don't need to list all of the stuff that I think we can assume is more or less standard(the targeting system etc). Same thing kind of goes for the "gear" section in the pilot CS. As stated on the CS skeleton, it's kind of your character's "special power"(again, singular).