I'm a bit behind on some of the monster drawings (hence why the Scafford Gang are in greyscale) due to the sheer amount of enemy spawning for this map :P SO. I'M GOING TO BE LAZY FOR A LITTLE BIT. As much fun as it would be to see the scrambling zombies crawl onto the map, The Hungry Dead spawn is going to be lackluster for a little while, just so we can keep the map moving at a reasonable rate. Sorry folks <3 <3 <3 ok I was just going to use text but instead you get 1 minute zombie midgets you're welcome Hungry Dread shamble through the rail split doorway. [center][sub][color=c14953]██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████[/color][h2][b][color=151617]T E A M B R I D G E[/color][/b][/h2][/sub] [sub][color=c14953]██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████[/color][/sub] [@duthguy][@CollectorofMyst][@DeadBeatWalking][@rocketrobie2] [b][h2]Round [color=e50000]2[/color][/h2][/b][hr][i]The Darkness sleeps.[/i][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/iSDNFHg.jpg[/img][/center] The [b]Void Hounds[/b] scramble further forward, salavating over the prospect of escaping into the wild and creating havoc. [b]Void Spiders[/b] spawn. One scrambles past [b]Father C[/b] and [b]Jamie Hart[/b] to get to the exit. The other gets blocked on the bridge, and the third considers Deputy Hawkeye to be a threat. [@DeadBeatWalking] The skeletal Void Spider hits for [color=e50000][b]2 Damage[/b]![/color] One of the other Void Spiders goes [b]berserk[/b] as it's movement is partially blocked. It hits Hawkeye Harold for a further [color=e50000][b]4 Damage[/b][/color]. Spend a determination to reroll defense - attempt to block 6 damage? [@rocketrobie2] The Green spider, barely clinging to life, hits [b]Father C[/b] for [color=e50000][b]2 Damage[/b]![/color] Spend a determination to reroll defense - attempt to block 2 damage? [b]Father C[/b] killed [b]3 creatures[/b] on his turn. [b]You inch closer to breaking the monster's assault.[/b] [b]Approaching Enemies:[/b] [indent]Approaching Enemies at F1 Approaching Enemies at the Bridge[/indent] [b]Initiative[/b]: [indent][color=darkgray]Void Hound - 7 Void Spiders - 6[/color] Deputy Hawkeye - 6 Void Sorceror - 5 Jamie - 5 Scafford Gang - 4 || Stranglers - 4 Night Terror - 3 Dan - 3 Tentacles - 2 Father C - 2 Hungry Dead - 1[/indent] [center]1. DAN the RANCHER. [color=cccccc][i]created by Duthguy.[/i][/color] [hider=Dan][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/R8VMbCV.png[/img] 17 / 17 [14 + 3] HP || 9 / 11 [10 + 1] Sanity || 0 / 2 Determination || 445 / 500 XP || 25 Gold || Level 1 [i]Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.[/i][/center] [hider=Skills][b]Home Remedies:[/b][indent] Spend [b]1 Determination[/b] to Heal 1-6 wounds from yourself or an adjacent hero. Gain 5XP healed from another Hero this way.[/indent] [b]Rapid Shot:[/b][indent] Requires a two handed weapon. Anytime you kill an enemy with a two handed gun, you can immediately shoot again.[/indent] [b]Evasion[/b]:[indent] You are more likely to [b]escape[/b] when you move away from an enemy. [/indent][/hider][hider=Stats][center][color=darkgray][sub]• [b]FRONTIER[/b] •[/sub][/color] [b]Combat:[/b] Initiative 3 • Melee Combat 2 [color=gray]To Hit Melee 4+[/color] • [color=gray]To Hit Ranged 4+[/color] Defense 4+ • Willpower 4+ [b]Challenges:[/b] Agility 2 [color=limegreen] + 1[/color]• [color=gray]Cunning 2[/color] • Spirit 3 [color=gray]Strength 3[/color] • Lore 4 • [color=gray]Luck 1[/color][/center][/hider][hider=Inventory] 0x [b]Darkstone[/b] [b]Sidebag:[/b] 1/5 Slots filled [indent] 1x [b]Bandages[/b][/indent] [b]Lucky Dice:[/b] [indent]Once per Adventure, cancel and redraw any card drawn (e.g. monsters, loot, scavenge, room tile, event, darkness, growing dread. [i]this item will become more clear in future. I'll let you know if you can use your dice, so don't worry too much.[/i])[/indent] [center][b]3/8 Carryweight used[/b][/center] [b]Hunting Rifle:[/b] [indent][i]Two Handed[/i] [b]Range:[/b] 12 Squares [b]Shots:[/b] 1 Shot per round [b]Damage:[/b] +2 Damage [i]Upgrade Slots: 1/3 Used - Eagle Feather Weight: 1 Worth: 350gp [/i] [/indent] [b]Book of the Occult:[/b] [color=darkgray]Artefact • Book • Occult[/color] [indent][b]+1 Lore[/b] [b]Once per Adventure[/b], prevent the [b]Darkness[/b] from [b]moving forward[/b]. [i]Upgrade Slots: 0/1 Used[/i] [i]Weight: 1[/i] [i]Worth: 125gp[/i][/indent] [b][Attached - Hunting Rifle] Eagle Feather[/b]: [color=e50000][b]TRIBAL / TRAVELER / FRONTIER HEROES ONLY[/b][/color] [sub][color=darkgray]UPGRADE • TRIBAL[/color][/sub] Requires an Upgrade Slot. [indent] [b]+1 Agility +2 Health[/b] [i]Worth: 250g[/i][/indent] [color=557449][b]Black Fang Hatchet:[/b][/color] [indent][color=darkgray]Artefact • Hand Weapon • Tribal[/color] [i]1 Handed[/i] [b]+1 Combat[/b] [i]Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used Weight: 1 Worth: 425gp[/i] Use [b]1 Darkstone[/b] to add [b]3 Damage[/b] to one of your [b]Melee Combat Hits.[/b][/indent] [b]Scavenger's Hat:[/b] [indent][color=darkgray]Gear • Clothing • Hat[/color] Anytime you successfully [b]Scavenge[/b], [b]heal 1 HP[/b]. [i]Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used Weight: 1 Worth: 75gp[/i][/indent] [b]Jacket:[/b] [indent][color=darkgray]Gear • Clothing • Coat[/color] [b]+1 HP +1 Sanity[/b] [i]Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used Weight: 1 Worth: 200gp[/i][/indent] [b]1x Speciality Ammo:[/b] [indent][color=darkgray]Gear • Ammo[/color] Lasts for one [b]Adventure[/b]. When used, replaces any current [b]Ammo[/b]. Your [b]Gun Hits[/b] do extra damage against the listed [b]Enemy Type[/b]. 1 x Void Shot: +1 Damage against Void Enemies.[/indent] [b]Bounty:[/b] [indent] Night Terrors and Void Sorcerors are worth [b]10gp[/b]each to the [b]Posse[/b] per kill.[/indent] [/hider][/hider] 2. JAMIE HART the SALOON GIRL. [color=cccccc][i]created by CollectorofMyst.[/i][/color] [hider=Jamie Hart][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YyKFyyU.png[/img] 2 / 8 HP || 11 / 14 Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 35 / 500 XP || 30 Gold || Level 1 [i]Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.[/i][/center] [hider=Skills][b]Comforting Presence:[/b][indent] At the end of the your turn, you may Heal 1 HP or 1 Sanity from [b]every[/b] other adjacent Hero. Gain [b]5 XP[/b] for each Damage Healed this way.[/indent] [b]Lightweight:[/b][indent] May only use Gear cards with the [b]Keyword: Light[/b].[/indent] [b]Acrobatic Dodge:[/b][indent]You may move through other models during your combat movement. Once per turn, you may re-roll one failed Defense roll.[/indent] [/hider][hider=Stats][center][color=darkgray][sub]• [b]PERFORMER[/b] •[/sub][/color] [b]Combat:[/b] Initiative 5 • Melee Combat 2 [color=gray]To Hit Melee 4+[/color] • [color=gray]To Hit Ranged 4+[/color] Defense 3+ • Willpower 4+ [b]Challenges:[/b] Agility 4 • [color=gray]Cunning 3[/color] • Spirit 3 [color=gray]Strength 1[/color] [color=limegreen]+1[/color] • Lore 2 • [color=gray]Luck 3[/color][/center][/hider][hider=Inventory] [b]Sidebag:[/b] 1/5 Slots filled [indent]1x [b]Whiskey[/b][/indent] [b]Roughskin Gloves:[/b] [indent][b]+1 Strength[/b]. Once per Turn, you may reroll one Melee to Hit roll.[/indent] [center][b]1/5 Carryweight used[/b][/center] [b]Hold-Iout Pistol:[/b] [indent][i]1 Handed[/i] [b]Gain: Free Attack, Once per Fight[/b] Range: 3 Squares Shots: 1 Shot per round [i]Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used Weight: 1 Worth: $200[/i] [/indent][/hider][/hider] 3. HAWKEYE HAROLD the GUNSLINGER. [color=cccccc][i]created by DeadBeatWalking.[/i][/color][hider=Deputy Hawkeye][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/dTO1Dib.png[/img] 7 / 10 HP || 10 / 12 Sanity || 1 / 3 Determination || 85 / 1000 XP || 1070 Gold || Level 2 || [color=mediumspringgreen][b]2 Corruption[/b][/color] [b]A Dead Eye Shot is Loaded[/b] [i]Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.[/i][/center] [hider=Skills][b]Quickdraw:[/b][indent] Anytime a new group of enemies appear, and you have one hand free, you may immediately make a free attack against them. [/indent] [b]The Quick and the Dead:[/b][indent] Start with 6 [i]Dead eye shot[/i] bullets. At any point you can choose to load one of these bullets into your gun. [b]Catchphrase[/b]: Once per Adventure, you may say your catchphrase to immediately heal [b]2-12 Wounds[/b] or add [b]1d6 Damage[/b] to one of your [b]Hits[/b].[color=darkgray][i]Taken at Level 2, 1/4 Showman Tree[/i][/color] [/indent] [/hider][hider=Stats][center][color=darkgray][sub]• [b]SHOWMAN[/b] • [b]LAW[/b] [/sub][/color] [b]Combat:[/b] Initiative 6 • Melee Combat 1 [color=gray]To Hit Melee 5+[/color] • [color=gray]To Hit Ranged 3+[/color] Defense 5+ • Willpower 4+ [b]Challenges:[/b] Agility 3 • [color=gray]Cunning 3[/color] [color=limegreen]+ 1[/color] • Spirit 2 [color=gray]Strength 2[/color] • Lore 2 • [color=gray]Luck 4[/color][/center][/hider][hider=Inventory] 0 x [b]Darkstone[/b] [b]Sidebag:[/b] 1/5 Slots filled [indent]1x [b]Whiskey[/b][/indent] [b]5/6x Dead Eye Shot Bullets:[/b][indent] Each Bullet does +2 Damage.[/indent] [b]Trusty Pipe:[/b] [indent]You may take a puff of your pipe to Recover [b]1 determination[/b] any time you gain loot or successfully scavenge..[/indent] [center][b]2/7 Carryweight used[/b][/center] [b]Pistol:[/b] [indent][i]1 Handed[/i] Range: 6 Squares Shots: 2 Shot per round [i]Upgrade Slots: 0/2 used Weight: 1 Worth: 100gp[/i][/indent] [b]Peacekeeper Pistol:[/b] [indent][color=darkgray]Gear • Gun • Pistol • Law •[/color] [i]One-Handed[/i] Range: 6 Squares Shots: 3 Squares [i]Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used Weight: 1 Worth: 500gp[/i][/indent] [b]Deputized:[/b] [indent]Gain Keyword: [b]Law[/b] [b]+1 Cunning[/b] At the end of an [b]Adventure[/b], roll 1d6. On a roll of 1-3, lose this bonus.[/indent] [b]Marshal Badge:[/b] [indent][color=e50000]LAW ONLY | LIMIT 1 BADGE[/color] [color=darkgray][sub]GEAR • LAW • ICON[/sub][/color] [s]Once per Adventure, give all Heroes +2 Shots with a [i]Gun[/i] OR +2 Combat (each character may choose for themselves) during their next turn.[/s] - USED DEFEND BRIDGE ROUND 1[/indent][/hider][/hider] 4. FATHER C the PASTOR. [color=cccccc][i]created by rocketrobie2.[/i][/color][hider=Father C][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KibQD6g.png[/img] [b]Father C the Preacher[/b] 7 / 13 HP || 8 / 10 Sanity || 0 / 2 Determination || 405 / 500 XP || 645 Gold || Level 1 || [color=gold]0 Faith[/color] [i]Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.[/i][/center][hider=Skills][b]Redemptionist:[/b][indent] you may use [b]two handed guns.[/b] [/indent] [b]Scourge of the Dead:[/b][indent] +1 Damage to [b]undead[/b] enemies. [/indent] [center][b]Sermons[/b]:[/center] [b]Blessing - Faith Healing:[/b][indent]Starting Sermon. [i]Requires 5+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.[/i] For every Faith spent on the cost of [i]Faith Healing,[/i] you may heal [b]1 Wound[/b] from yourself or an adjacent hero. [b]Faith Cost:[/b] *see above [b]XP Gained:[/b] 10XP [i]Improves at level 5.[/i][/indent] [b]Blessing - Intervention:[/b][indent] [i] requires 10+ on two dice to successfully cast.[/i] [b]Father C takes 1 corruption hit on successful cast.[/b] Cancels one darkness effect, or spend 1 extra faith to cancel a [i]growing dread[/i] effect. [b]Faith Cost: 2[/b] [b]XP Gained:[/b] 50 XP[/indent] [b]Judgement - Shockwave:[/b] [indent] [i]Requires 9+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.[/i] [b]Father C takes 1 corruption hit on successful cast.[/b] Every enemy within 2 spaces of you automatically takes one hit. [b]May only be used if you did not move this turn.[/b] [b]Faith Cost:[/b] 2 [b]XP Gained:[/b] 25 XP [i]Improves at level 2, 4, 6 and 8.[/i][/indent] [/hider][hider=Stats][center][color=darkgray][sub]• [b]HOLY[/b] •[/sub][/color] [b]Combat:[/b] Initiative 2 • Melee Combat 2 [color=gray]To Hit Melee 4+[/color] • [color=gray]To Hit Ranged 5+[/color] Defense 5+ • Willpower 3+ [b]Challenges:[/b] Agility 1 • [color=gray]Cunning 2[/color] • Spirit 4 [color=limegreen]+1[/color] [color=gray]Strength 3[/color] • Lore 3 • [color=gray]Luck 2[/color][/center][/hider][hider=Inventory] 5x [b]Darkstone[/b] [b]Sidebag:[/b] 1/5 Slots filled [indent]1x [b]Whiskey[/b] [/indent] [b]Concealed Flask:[/b][indent] Better at dealing with spirits. Once per adventure, you may use the flask to fully heal your sanity.[/indent] [center][b]2/7 Carryweight used[/b][/center] [b]Shotgun:[/b] [indent] [i]2 Handed[/i] [b]Range:[/b] 5 [b]Uses the D8 To Hit and for Damage. Crits on a 6, 7 or 8.[/b] [i]Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used Weight: 1 Worth: $300[/i] [/indent] [b]Pistol:[/b] [indent][color=darkgray]Gear • Gun • Pistol[/color] [i]1 Handed[/i] [b]Range:[/b] 6 Squares [b]Shots:[/b] 2 Shot per round [i]Upgrade Slots: 0/2 used Weight: 1 Worth: $100[/i][/indent][/hider][/hider] [sub][color=c14953]██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████[/color][h2][b][color=151617]P O S S E L E V E L 2[/color][/b][/h2][/sub] [sub][color=c14953]██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████[/color][/sub][hider=Defend the Bridge][hr][hr][h3][b][color=c14953]Defend the Bridge[/color][/b][/h3] [hr][hr][b]Objective:[/b] Prevent the monsters escaping the Mine and survive their onslaught. [b]Reward:[/b] 200gp and 4 Loot Cards per player. [b]Failure:[/b] When travelling to town, add 1-6 extra Travelling Hazards to the journey. While in town, roll for daily events twice and take the lower result. [hider=Flavour][color=darkgray]It's worse than you thought. The local rumours don't even begin to cover the horrors that awaited you, down in this mine. A screach in the darkness and a wave of creatures rise up from the deep, intent on freeing themselves from the mine and wreacking havoc on the local countryside. Only one thing stands in their way - you, atop this rickety bridge, the only way across a dark chasm towards the Mine exit. You are the last hope. You must defend the bridge... or die trying.[/color][/hider] [hider=Conditions] [b]Conditions[/b] [indent]This mission has a Fixed Map. There is no lantern on this map, instead, certain locations are well lit. Heroes have unlimited Scavenging on all Tiles. Scavenging is never exhausted. Unlimited Enemies - Enemies keep spawning at certain locations on the Map until the Posse has defeated enough enemies to stop their advance. Every time enough Enemies escape the mine, the Darkness becomes stronger. If the Darkness fully escapes the mine, the heroes lose. Heroes are experiencing Desperation. Whenever there are no monsters on their Map Tile, they may choose to either: Scavenge, Catch Their Breath, Prepare a Once Per Fight item or Recover a Determination.[/indent] [/hider][/hider][/center]