[hr][hr][center][color=sienna][h1][i][b]Gilbert Summers, "The Hat"[/b][/i][/h1][/color][/center] [center][img]https://robotmanmachine.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/jasonmshadow.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][color=sienna][b]Location:[/b][/color] Ville au Camp, Kitchen House -> Main House [color=sienna][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A [hr][/center] The calm and dedicated stride utilized by the casually dapper Emendator in distressed clothing suddenly broke into somethig a little more suited to skulking about, preferably in the evening. He had remembered that Alicia had run outside for the purposes of introducing a new Paradox into the fold. Knowing her luck over the last few of them, it was just as likely to be another casualty of that other, awful timeline wherein some incarnation of her experienced an awful, flesh-tearing death. Whether it was or not, it was her job at greet them and answer questions, and in that moment, it was [i]not[/i] his job to be present for it. There he was though, walking out of the Kitchen House to witness a Paradox appearing next to the big Oak. Nope, not on his watch. Instead, Gilbert ducked back around house and made a good sprint for the foliage across the path, away from the big, scary tree they used as a welcome mat. He kept low and moved fast, trying hard not to make this recent newcomer's initial act as a Paradox to soil his undergarments, provided of course that Fate provided them with undergarments in the first place. Could go either way sometimes. He unknowingly took a route not dissimilar to Evelina's, cruising around the garages but instead making tracks for the back of the main house. Apparently, he was just in time to see two Paradoxes (Pair of Doxes?) emerge from the building. He gave a wave and began to jog up to them. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=indianred][center]James Grady[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/71765f2d-e700-4975-ad6c-7bced9ae709c.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][color=indianred][b]Location:[/b][/color] Ville au Camp - Main House, Room 107 -> Behind the Main House [color=indianred][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A [/center][hr] As far as James could tell, time was funny. Not really "haha" funny, more "wuzzafuck?" funny. Or both. James could agree that is was both hilarious [i]and[/i] confusing. Such was the question posed to him by Sophia just then. How long since she died? [color=indianred]"Aw hell, hon. I ain't particular sure how to answer that'n. I mean, you ain't gonna die for 'nother seventy-odd years, right? Or I don't know how long you been kickin' 'round in this place. But... if'n you askin' how long from when you died to when I died, that'll be just 'bout seven, eight months, near as I can reckon."[/color] The indomitable blackneck had seen enough science fiction shows about time travel to know that actual scientists didn't agree on the nature of time travel, and the fiction writers liked to make things up without regard to meaningless things like continuity or plot holes. This was enough of an issue to make his head hurt if he thought about it too much. He could answer a couple of questions for Sophia, though. His memory of everything was a little fuzzy. Still there, but like it was the loudest voice in a room of other people talking. Was it because he was dead? Or he was something different now. Paradox. James knew what that word meant. It meant that he shouldn't be there. Technically, [i]couldn't[/i] be there, but was anyway. Something told him that he would have to brace for a brutal mindfucking sometime later on. [color=indianred]"Niesha's doin' alright, well, was doin' alright, near as I can tell."[/color] He didn't know what to tell her about Newnan, or even if he should. Truth was, he wasn't one hundred percent sure himself. [color=indianred]"Aight, long story short, Miss Sophia... I died when a bigass sinkhole opened up an' tore Newnan a new one. I wasn't anywhere in town when it happened, an' I don't know how bad it got. Last I saw of Niesha, she was gettin' on fine with the folks in town. She gave me a big box of medical stuff when I... ah... N'mind that. I'm sure they got it handled an' she good."[/color] He was unsure how to proceed with the conversation. Luckily, a tall, brick-shithouse man of indeterminate ethnicity was ogging in their direction carrying a loaf of bread and jar of something to distract them. [color=indianred]"Hey, who that?"[/color] James quickly asked Sophia, nodding his head in the direction of the unknown man. It was Gilbert, of course. He was upon them very quickly, and began ushering the two of them back toward the Main House. [color=sienna]"Come on, then. Sorry about this - we have another very new Paradox coming in. He shouldn't see us before Alicia gently breaks the news and smooths things over. Or until she yells at them until they accept it. Hey!"[/color] he reserved a broad smile for James, [color=sienna]"Our girl told me a little about you. James, right? Here, hold this."[/color] He pressed the bread and jam into James's arms and kept motioning for them to duck back inside the passageway. [color=sienna]"Sophia, would you please introduce us properly when we get back in?"[/color]