[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/I59cB3y.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Time & Date Stamp: Jan 1st, 8:13 P.M. Weather: Snowy Location: Queen of Hearts Bar Interacting with: [u]Effie[/u] ([@ineffably])[/b][/center] Ardella paused as she caught the eye of the silver-haired woman, however she held up a single finger, indicating that she had noticed and was apparently about to do something. Staring for just what seemed a moment, she turned to the bar and got Sam's attention. Quickly he made a drink, which Ardella grabbed, gave him a polite bow of her head and briskly made her way over. Though the yelling of a drunk man caught her attention, one of the many other waitresses was already on her way. Quickly turning her attention back to her current customer, Ardella did a very light curtsey and set the drink on the table - which happened to be the exact fruity cocktail that she had already ordered several times. With a gentle smile, [color=4286f4][b]"May I be of further service, miss?"[/b][/color] she asked. Now that she was up close however, Effie could easily tell the android looked far more human than the normal variety. Almost so much so that it would be difficult to tell the different in many cases. Even her expressions seemed wholly genuine, polite though reserved in nature. Ardella even did something that an android would not likely do, indicating curiosity as her eyes flicked over the small pile of books in mild interest. She didn't say anything though, showing she had good manners in not prying upon customers business. She stood perfectly still though, hands folded in front of her like some formally trained servant girl.