June bug watched the motley collection of humans stream from the forest and for the moment felt her mouth go dry. She was further from a weapon than she wanted to be, there had been no place or need for one in the airsuit and the nearest pistol was in her foot locker. Also there were well over two dozen of the natives, massacring them might not be possible and certainly wouldn't improve their position. Plus with those addaladdles there was no chance that Neil would get out of that tree alive. "Taya" she said quietly, to the transfixed girl. "Go below and get my rifle from the arms locker," she said in a whisper, Taya looked up with her with eyes wide with fear and uncertainty. "Ask loney he will show you what you need. Bring it back to the upper hatch but DONT come out unless things go really sideways." Taya scurried away as Junebug pulled open the closure to the airsuit and removed her helmet. Droping the clear cyloplex to the deck she drew the suit down over her waist and tied it around her hips in a not. She was wearing nothing but a sports bra beneath but the need for mobility out weighed her need for modesty just at this moment. She wouldn't have minded doing the whole business in her bra and panties but the boots of the suit were integrated and she might need the foot protection. With hands raised in what she hoped was friendly greeting she hopped down the improvised gang plants towards the gabbling locals. They were and intimidating bunch in their way, holding weapons lows as if they knew how to use them. Dark primitive tatoo swirled over their skin. There were even a few women among them, older and with skin stained down by sun and melanin. They wore loin cloth but nothing over their breasts save beads and jewelry of coral and stone. To her utter shock she found that the words were familiar to her. Focusing in with the intensity of a sniper she tried to focus on the words and tried to drag them into focus. Sayeeda had sleep learned alot of langugages in a busy mercenary career but this was like patching together some archaic tongue. She caught the word for star and the word for Ocean. "Zil, Its the old zil trade language," she said quietly. THe group recoiled from her words. "Uhhh We in pace come here," she tried with a friendly smile stumbling over the unfamiliar tongue with some difficulty [@POOHEAD189]