Sorry for the delay! Name: Iratze Also known as: The Swift Messenger, the Rainbow Traveler, The Neutral Nimbus Age: Very Very old, typically takes on a human form that appears between 18-22. God Aspect: Communication Personality: Iratze is first of all, carefree. She is easygoing. Among others she is a gentle breeze that can gracefully make it's way through any nook or cranny, other people find her pleasant and refreshing, but she tends to 'breeze-by' escaping attention or becoming more of a backdrop to stronger more grounded personalities. She likes to observe, watch, experience. She will wait to intervene and create the perfect moment, or will intervene when asked to... She is complaint and complimentary to the needs and wishes of others. That is the classic role of the messenger; carrying on the voices of others and asserting her own very seldom. She of course enjoys travel, bright colors, variety. She is indulgent in sensory experiences easily getting carried away, drunk on the energy of a space or a crowd. She has taken a liking to humans, and in her time trapped on earth has sought the spectrum of mortal experiences, in seeking the full spectrum she can be seen as careless, yet, she feels comfortable treading in the grey area, or crossing back and forth between 'light' and 'dark' places in the world, perhaps because this is indeed what she was created to do. Parents: She was not born, but rather was created. Legend has it that she was constructed by the Sun and the Moon during a period of marital strife. Created by both yet loyal to neither. She was given the ability to pass between the worlds and carry messages between them until they were able to resolve their differences. They found her quite useful and continued to utilize her as a messenger between themselves, their children, and all the other gods. Sexuality: Bisexual, Pansexual, everyone-sexual. Iratze travels everywhere ^_~. Form on Earth: [img][/img] This picture gives you a 'feel' for her. She always changes her hair color and style, but it is always big and bright and colorful, she has dark skin, and sort of a boho-hippy-hipster-hip-hop style of dress. True Form: [img][/img] Powers: -Flight: To aid her in delivering her messages quickly and efficiently! -Tongues: To aid her in delivering messages for anyone she has the gift of tongues, she can understand and speak many languages. The language of the sun and the moon, and any language created by their creations (mortals). -Sense of Direction: She has an excellent internal map. She has an internal compass, and a knack for finding almost anyone she might need to carry a message to. -LOST POWER: Once she had the power to travel between the three worlds. In addition to carrying herself across the borders, she could carry things across (letters, gifts, objects), and people across with her. This is not something everyone could do which is what made her so useful in her role as a messenger god. After the fall she lost these powers and was bound to earth with the rest. Weapon: A pen! For the pen is mightier than the sword!-- To keep their messages discrete, the Sun and the Moon gifted her with a magic pen. When writing with the pen, the message can only be read by the intended recipient (One must hold the pen and speak their name aloud before they begin to write). History: Constructed by the Sun and the Moon to carry messages between the deities, the first chapter of her life was all this. She traveled between the three worlds mostly at the request of any god or goddess, but some times for fun. Some liked her, others did not, but it did not matter much. She was a very minor deity who remained neutral in all things. History: She had a small identity crisis. Not being able to travel between the worlds and being shut out by the god of the underworld was certainly a shock for her. However, she was very comfortable on earth having been there many times before. She has been spending her earth bound years keeping a low profile, mingling with mortals, playing tricks on them, befriending them, and reinventing her look to fit whatever culture she is currently traveling through at the time. Motive: Surprised to find her powers restored she would seek the other gods, Death, and perhaps a means to cross the worlds again... Mostly in quest for information and answers, that she can then deliver to the other lost deities.