[hider=Fact: I've had so many lies successfully spread about me, it's kind of disgusting how little anyone tries.] I've noticed people will just fucking fall or believe fucking anything told to them by clear bullies and terrible people. When literally just a single step back, or some basic common sense would pick it apart immediately... It's happened to me so many flipping times...every single rumor ever spread about me. No matter just how fucking stupid it is. It's just bought, hook line and sinker...always. Sure, most of it was "kids/teens being horrible people", but it wasn't -always- that. Adults have been apart of it too. But even then, it's happened at least a dozen times in my life now? One of the shortest periods, so thereby the smartest group of people. (how fucking ironic.) Was about a week or so, of an entire school of people hating me for no reason. 16-17 year old's mind. They were offended because I -supposedly- said. "Everyone who goes to this district school's are stupid." Now, must I even explain the obvious flaw with that insult? No, I don't. Even without context, you should understand the problem... And, because one of more thick people at the school actually directly told me the contradiction, but STILL didn't get it. "You know the school you're currently going to, is in this district too!" Yes, asshat. Yes, IT is...So either you're offended/hurt at someone stupid enough to call themselves stupid. Or maybe you're all fulfilling a self-fulfilled prophecy! Thankfully, most apologized and I befriended nearly all of them afterward. Because shock of all shock, getting to know me made them all like me quite a bit. But fuck me, it was a school I not only didn't need to go to, but it was the start of their year. So I didn't need -another- untrue rumor that was so blatantly false. And I vent about this now, because this curse has clearly not left me yet... [/hider]