Alexandria's movement was subtle and precise. She moved with extreme intention and meticulous planning. One could even say she moved in the blink of an eye. But Alexandria didn't move too far. When Kage had appeared, Alexandra's guard had been roused from it's relaxed state, and when Kage found reason to lay a hand upon the back of Dreadlin, Alexandria switched into her alert mode. Her hand left hand found purchase on the hilt of her sword. The scabbard was gripped tightly in her right hand. She was poised to draw her weapon at any moment needed. Thankfully, that moment never came. Alexandria relaxed her grip slowly, and allowed the scabbard to rest at her side once more. Now that Kage had proven she wasn't going to be a threat, Alexandria resumed her previous prim and proper pose and allowed herself to relax. The conversations went on around her, but Alexandria remained silent. She had no reason to comment, and everyone else echoed similar thoughts. When the group would move onward to the mission postings, Alexandria finally made use of her voice. Looking over the individual missions, Alexandria gave her opinion on each, assuming they were all there. "The first mission seems like it would theoretically be the most difficult. Dragon's are not opponents that I would underestimate. The second mission seems like it would be simple, though it would also be slightly dubious to undertake as we would be getting into a legal situation that is unclear to us and we may not be told the real truth. The third mission seems like it would play well into my personal strengths, but we might again be getting over our heads, as, even if we brought the whole guild, defending a town against what appears to be hordes of creatures is rather... Unconventional. The last mission seems interesting and clear cut. Perhaps the spear will be given to us if the party involved finds that they do not want it? Risky enough, but also tempting." Returning to the group that she had grouped with, Alexandria spoke. "I've stated my opinions, but I will go along with what the majority decides. I'm brave, but I'm no fool: Taking these missions on alone is asking for trouble."