[h2]Mordred[/h2] By this point, Mordred had dispelled her armor entirely, leaving her in nothing but the tube top and shorts that she had made her casual wear. These rooms weren't exactly terrible, on one hand, but on the other she definitely liked her place back in Chaldea better. They all got to customize their rooms however they liked, after all. But this was only temporary, right? This wasn't where they were going to be stuck. She wasn't going to let this be permanent. Not when her Master needed her. "Ehhh? Yeah yeah, you don't need to babysit me or something," Mordred replied, leaning against the wall and shoved her hands into her pockets as she did. At least the floor felt kind of comfortable on her bare feet. She didn't like the boots in the armor. Or her armor in general, for that matter, if she could help it she preferred not to wear it. But she wasn't an idiot who would try to fight without it entirely either. Sure, she was confident in her abilities, but a knight wore armor to do battle and all, right? "As long as we've got a contract-ah..." For a moment the blonde knight trailed off, cheeks coloring at the memory of the... [i]process[/i] of contracting with the vampiric little girl. "... A-as long as we've got a contract you'll keep supplying me with mana, so it doesn't matter if we're together or not." [@Raineh Daze]