Finally finished! [@Morose][@Nallore] Would he also be able to be introduced in the update (If he's accepted, that is), or am I too late? [hider=Agent Alexander Fletcher] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=slateblue][center]Alexander "Alec" Fletcher[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=slateblue][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=slateblue]Name:[/color][/b] Alexander Fletcher [b][color=slateblue]Aliases:[/color][/b] Alec, occasionally Xander. [b][color=slateblue]Age:[/color][/b] 41 [b][color=slateblue]Birthday:[/color][/b] 17th February, 1975 [b][color=slateblue]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Caucasian [b][color=slateblue]Birth Place:[/color][/b] Charleston, South Carolina. [b][color=slateblue]Location:[/color][/b] Ashland, Wisconsin [b][color=slateblue]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=slateblue]Major/Minor:[/color][/b] Forensic Science & Psychology [b][color=slateblue]Occupation:[/color][/b] FBI Agent [b][color=slateblue]Languages:[/color][/b] N/A. Knows a handful of latin and ancient greek root words, but nothing beyond general knowledge. [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=slateblue][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=slateblue]Height:[/color][/b] 6'1" [b][color=slateblue]Weight:[/color][/b] 181 lbs [b][color=slateblue]Build:[/color][/b] Broad; muscular, about lightheavyweight in terms of boxing. [b][color=slateblue]Eyes:[/color][/b] Pale blue. [b][color=slateblue]Hair:[/color][/b] Dark brown, typically cut short. [b][color=slateblue]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Pale. [b][color=slateblue]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] Has a couple of superficial scars here and there, typical of the job and life he's had. The most glaring ones he has are faded keloid scars on both sides of his right wrist, parallel to one another; each roughly three inches long, and a quarter of an inch thick. [b][color=slateblue]Personal Style:[/color][/b] Alec has never been the kind of guy to dress smart, new suit for work every week. Although he'll definitely clean up when he has too, Alec prefers practicality over a "monkey suit", as he calls it. Back in the agency he'd wear shirt and tie, but now working for OMEN, that's gone out of the window. Jeans, t-shirts, jackets, and comfortable walking boots that he can actually chase people down in are his preference. Because of the lack of bosses breathing over his shoulder whining about "Proper workplace etiquette and uniform", his work clothes and day-off clothes don't seem to have much difference between them. Alec likes to be all causal, all the time. [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=slateblue][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=6ecff6][center][color=00a651]Intuitive[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Blunt[/color] * [color=00a651]Just[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Close-Minded[/color] * [color=00a651]Undaunted[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Brash[/color][/center][/color][/i] [b][color=slateblue]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Pansexual [b][color=slateblue]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single; Divorced his wife of 8 years 11 years ago, though has had some partners and flings scattered between then and now. [b][color=slateblue]Personality:[/color][/b] Although complaining, constant eye-rolling and sighing a lot may make you think otherwise, Alec is quite the altruistic fellow. It's part of the reason why he chose his career - he cares about people. About his home, the earth, the people on it, despite not seeming like a particularly compassionate person. Although definitely unsure about the supernatural at the moment, and how he should treat it, Alec will consistently make decisions if he knows it's to help someone, even if it's inconvenient or possibly detrimental to himself. Regardless of that, he has no intention of developing a hero or martyr complex. He likes to help people, but he'll be careful in doing so. The things he's seen in his job so far has taught him to not bow to emotion so much - logic and looking at things objectively is the best way to solve a problem, even if people have their feeling's hurt in the process. Although caring about people, delivering justice and fairness to people is far more important in the long run. This can create some animosity between him and others, but as he's not one to hold grudges, Alec will be more likely to buy you a drink and have an amicable conversation once the job is over, rather than glare at you from a distance. Hating people is just too tiresome to keep up, and he's just not that kind of guy. [b][color=slateblue]Habits:[/color][/b] Smoking, eye-rolling, cracking knuckles and wrists when they're aching. [b][color=slateblue]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Sailing, Fishing and Travelling, Boxing. [b][color=slateblue]Fears:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Never being able to have a family. [*] Running into a storm while on the water. [*] Dying a long, debilitating, & dehumanising death like his father did. [/list] [b][color=slateblue]Likes:[/color][/b] [list] [*] The beach & ocean [*] Sailing, surfing, and other watersports. [*] Butchering [*] Hunting [*] Travelling; has visited several countries in Europe and Asia so far, and it always itching for more new experiences. [*] White Wine [*] Cooking [*] Most domesticated animals, barring birds. [*] Pale Ales [*] 60's, 70's and 80's music. The stuff he grew up with. [*] Going for a run just as dawn breaks. [*] Most types of Asian food - Chinese, Indian, Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese, Mongolian, etc. [/list] [b][color=slateblue]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Birds, particularly seagulls. [*] Narcissists [*] Violent Criminals, and the crimes they commit. [*] Hypocrites [*] Supermarket fish: He either catches his own, or goes to a fishmonger - anything else doesn't taste right. [*] Jasmine: It's sickly sweet smell brings back bad memories. [*] Drugs: Be it illegal, legal, or the people who abuse it, he dislikes the stuff. The only drugs he'll imbibe are caffeine, nicotine and ethanol. He won't even take a Tylenol for a headache. [*] Menthols [/list] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=slateblue][center]Cards On The Table[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=slateblue]General World Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Swimming [*] Sailing [*] Hunting [*] Butchering [*] Driving [*] Running [*] Lockpicking [*] Forensic Investigation [*] Interrogation Techniques [/list] [b][color=slateblue]Combat Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Unarmed Combat (Boxing) [*] Small Arms [*] Rifles [*] Endurance Training [*] Knives [/list] [b][color=slateblue]What Is On Your Person:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Clothing - Plain T-shirt, Jeans, Jacket, sturdy leather boots. [*] Wallet - Driver's Licence, FBI Badge, old family picture, old picture of ex-wife, $37.65, debit card. [*] Knife [*] Glock 23, 40 caliber. (Loaded) [*] Kevlar Bulletproof Vest [*] Lighter [*] Carton of Cigarettes [*] Phone [*] Spare Magazines [*] Lockpicking Kit [/list] [b][color=slateblue]Residence:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Spare Clothing [*] Ambush Firearms .300 Blackout [*] Remington Sendero SF II [*] Smith & Wesson Model 642 (Loaded, one in barrel) [*] Ammunition (For Revolver, Pistol, and Rifles) [*] Jaguar E-Pace SUV [*] Laptop [*] Old, battered hipflask (Belonged to his grandfather, passed down to him. Usually filled and regularly topped up with whiskey.) [*] Fishing equipment [*] Hunting equipment [/list] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=slateblue][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=slateblue]Why You Were Recruited:[/color][/b] Although he doesn't have any specialised knowledge in the supernatural, Alec has proven to be an outstanding agent and worked closely with Agent Murphy in the past. As he was receiving reports from him before he died, Alec has been sent as his replacement. While he has a lot to learn about the otherworld, he still strives to do good for humanity, making him a good choice alongside his skillset. Alec isn't sure on how to feel about the supernatural, and whether or not they deserve the same respect as humans (He isn't even sure where humans are on the food chain anymore), but he knows for sure that Hel needs taking down a peg or two. He's only too happy to aid in that. [b][color=slateblue]Life Before the Altsoba Massacre:[/color][/b] Alec was the sixth (out of seven) children to Connor and Amber Fletcher; a pretty regular family from South Carolina, not much was out of the ordinary for them. Mom was a proud housewife, the house was large, clean, and had a white picket fence, Dad went to work every day, and the seven children all had their own specialisation. Some were jocks, some were nerds, but whatever the case, they all were pretty normal in regards to not breaking any laws, doing housework for their mother, and doing pretty well in school to keep their parents proud. However, not too long after the birth of the last child, things went downhill in terms of normality. Not by way of a scandal, or even a devastating, explosive tragedy. Dad had been acting funny for the past few weeks, and after some tests at the hospital, was diagnosed with Motor-Neurone Disease. The Doctors had told the family that there was a possibility that it wouldn't affect him all that much, but only in a couple of weeks, it had become clear that he was suffering form a particularly aggressive strain of the disease. It had taken about seven months after diagnosis for Alec's father to require 24-hour-care, and another six months after that for him to lost his ability to communicate. For 15-year-old Alec, it was a horrible thing to witness. His youngest brother was too young to really understand what was happening, and his elder siblings had moved out permanently or for college at that point, only coming home for weekends to visit. It only really affected him and his mother, who had to see his dad suffering day in, day out. After about three years, the disease hit Connor's respiratory system, and it was only a matter of time before he finally passed. It was a blessing, really, but from then on Alec had developed a fear of ending his life in the same drawn-out, painful way. However, things picked up from there. By the time Alec went on to College, he was still going steady with his high-school sweetheart, and they got married shortly after graduation. After that, a job at the FBI - pretty low down in terms of rank, but impressive all the same for his lack of age and experience. He soon began working his way up the ranks with his impeccable work, but his family life had another hard blow to it; after attempting for a baby for a good two years, Alec and his wife eventually went to the doctor to find out what was causing all the delays. For some reason or another, Alec was unable to have children naturally. It was decided that IVF was too unlikely to work to even attempt, so Alec's wife suggested adoption. Knowing how much she wanted to have her own children, he decided against it - instead gently suggesting divorce and moving on to different partners. Although it hurt, their relationship had had a strain on it, due to both of their work lives pulling them apart, and now this issue. Although hesitant at first, his wife eventually agreed, and the couple split in the summer of 2005. As it was an amicable divorce, the pair have remained friends over the years. Recently, contact has been a bit more sparse since she remarried, but it's more for busy schedules than anything else. Alec is just happy that she's finally been able to have the children she always wanted, even if they weren't his. After the divorce, Alec's work pretty much became his life. Although regularly visiting his mother before her death in 2007, his contact with familial relations was quite sparse. His siblings were spread across the world, doing their own thing - and so he did the same. Surprisingly, he didn't mind so much. Despite the amount of time he put into his work, he was still able to keep up friendships with his coworkers - finding fun in his work with them and spending downtime with them when he could. About five years ago, things grew a tad more serious when a serial killer emerged in the New England area of the US. Alec was assigned to the case, and solving it is what really got him noticed by his superior officers. The unsub in question was a particularly depraved individual; with no particular connection in his victims or MO, the bodies were left brutalised. Made totally unidentifiable by decomposition, mutilation, and the removal of teeth, hands, feet, artificial additions to the body (Such as metal plates on bones, breast implants, tattoos etc.), the only thing the corpses had in common was that they were stuffed with flowers. Jasmine, in particular: hundreds of petals filling up each bodily cavity that had been totally removed of organs. The smell wasn't enough to mask the putrid stench of rot and putrefaction, but still, the sickly sweet smell was enough to be overpowering in of itself. After five bodies of the same thing, eventually, the killer slipped up. Leaving behind a scrap of paper that Alec got his hands on; after several days of forensic analysis, indentations on the paper led to clues. Clues led to solid leads, and then finally, he had an address. Arriving there by himself, not expecting it to be the unsub, Alec stumbled upon the rotting remains of the next victim in a vast warehouse in Connecticut - halfway stuffed with jasmine flowers, face still intact. Before he could could for backup, the killer appeared, and a fight to the death began. It wasn't a stereotypical hollywood fight, with awesome choreography and the killer being smooth and calculated; Alec's unsub was panicked in his movements. Slashing with a knife messily, sweating and overreaching far too much in his movements. Still, he had a weapon, and with Alec's gun unfortunately thrown away quite quickly, he didn't have the upper hand. In the midst of the struggle, Alec had his arm pinned to the wall by the guy's knife, immovable as the killer searched for the gun to put down his prey once and for all. Before he could meet the same grisly fate however, Alec had wrestled his way free - ripping the knife from the wall and then his arm, to throw it at the killer as he reached the gun. By sheer luck, it made its way into the guy's neck, and he fell like a sack of shit, desperately trying to keep his blood in his body. Alec was praised for his bravery and "ability to overcome impassable problems", but he didn't particularly want praise just for doing his job. While there was some relief that the guy was now dead and wouldn't hurt anyone ever again, there was something chilling about knowing a human was capable of such acts. It was enough for him to view the world in a slightly more pessimistic manner, even long after his injuries healed - but all it did was make him want to help even more. Thing changes even more after his realisation of a whole new world, hidden away from human eyes. His very first supernatural interaction didn't end quite as dramatically as his bout with the serial killer did - it was just a regular looking gal, mixed up with some bad people demanding money. She was close to the group, so Alec asked for her help in the investigation. Unbeknown to him, she was a witch, and was quite happy to deal with the group herself. They had "unfinished business", and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Alec witnessed her slaughtering the group with magic, only managing to kill her by planting a bullet in her skull from behind. Even after that, he wasn't sure if it had really happened like he thought it did... but upon hearing of the Altsoba Massacre, things began to shift in his mind. The supernatural was definitely out there. [b][color=slateblue]Life Since the Altsoba Massacre:[/color][/b] Not much has changed in his life beyond knowing a little bit more about the world of the supernatural; mainly from a colleague of his, Agent Murphy. Since Alec was his superior, and well-trusted by his own bosses, he was able to read every report from James as it filtered through over the days. Alec didn't know entirely at the time why his boss was allowing him access to such delicate files, but he soon found out. The second news came through of Agent Murphy's death, Alec was asked to be his successor out in the field. Knowing the full weight of what could happen to the world, he took the job, though a tad begrudgingly. They did interrupt his holiday, after all. [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=slateblue][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=slateblue]Character Quote:[/color][/b] "Well, shit." [b][color=slateblue]O.M.E.N. Record:[/color][/b] Although lacking in any real personal experience with supernatural beings (Barring one rogue witch), has received and studied all files and data sent over by Agent Murphy. The highest in his graduating class at sharpshooting, and has gone on hunting trips since the age of 8. (Although for animals, the use of tracking, trapping and other hunting technique swill undoubtedly come in useful in this job.) QUERY: Ex-wife possible deviant, investigation ongoing. Agent Fletcher seems to be unaware of her possible deviances, if they are present. [b][color=slateblue]Deviances:[/color][/b] Nope, nothing. [b][color=slateblue]Theme Song:[/color][/b] Death of a Bachelor - Panic! at the Disco [b][color=slateblue]Anything Else:[/color][/b] [url=]Felix Fenway - Farrow's Gift[/url] "The Thing" - 1982 version, of course. [sub][color=ed1c24]*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow RPers or the GM.[/color][/sub][/hider]