[hider=Amara Froste] N A M E [indent]Amara Frost[/indent]A G E [indent]23 Years[/indent]G E N D E R [indent]Female[/indent]O C C U P A T I O N [indent]Lady-in-waiting to the Duchess Calista of Silchester[/indent] A P P E A R A N C E [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/10/eb/50/10eb5041606cbd2be4b004c30d07ca65.jpg[/img][/hider] P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S [indent]Amara is a rather alluring character, her ability to woo and win others a trait that she had picked up during her years in Silchester. She is knowledgeable in several topics and subjects which heightens her craft to be involved with others. Her appearance is rather a tool that she holds highly; something that she has grown to understand the advantages of. To most men, Amara is attractive and enticing. Her curiosity on the world and works of the Kingdom makes her intimidating to some. Amara is fluent in both the arts and science and is quite charming and sociable. [/indent] S T R E N G T H S [indent][+Intelligent] Amara worked closely and diligently with her tutors and mentors. She picked up several languages and skills during her time in Silchester. The court of Calista’s also brought people of all sorts from around the nation. This enabled her to learn more about the people and places that were beyond the city walls. [+Charming] The tasks that Amara were expected to learn with the Hutton household taught her how to become a rather pleasant and convivial individual. This was an imperative tool that she sought to excel in order to successfully complete her mission. [+Independent] After the death of both of her parents, Amara learned not trust others but herself. She found that if she wanted to gain access into the Kingdom, it was best that she picked and chose the people that would be of use to her. Unfortunately, this also meant that she was without trusting allies.[/indent] W E A K N E S S E S [indent][-Physical Strength] Most of Amara’s time was spent indoors and away from physical activity. The most that she could make of her strength would include lifting no more than 30 pounds. [-Sly] Amara has an agenda of her own that will in default be treason. If she is not careful, her connections and actions may very well be her death. [-Flirtatious] One might argue that this a strength. It may very well serve as a weakness as it will bring predicaments to Amara’s story down the road. Her manipulative means could go out of hand if she were not careful. [/indent] H I S T O R Y [indent]Amara is the only child of Elgar Froste, a farmer in Norfolk. The small town was located in the western part of Sankt Gallen. Norfolk was forged with sickness, in which took her mother’s life when she was 8 years old. The plague had brought poverty upon the village. Not only that, the people were wary of the news of the monsters that were lurking closely at their town’s doors. When her mother had passed, Amara was sent to live with her Aunt at the capital of Silchester for the duration of the mourning. Upon her return to her father, Amara was greeted with a desolated Norfolk. A month after the sickness had nearly wiped out half of the townspeople, there was a cloud of armies that had raided her village. It was said that the disease was spreading. The kingdom simply couldn’t find a cure. There was news received that the King himself had ordered the massacre in order to induce the plague to spread any further. Unfortunately, Elgar was not able to escape the purge and was killed during the raid. Amara was carted back to her Aunt as an orphan to await further instructions for her future. She had vowed to bring justice to her father and the people of Norfolk. At 16 years old, Amara agreed to leave her Aunt for the Hutton household. There she had spend the past six years learning about the noble families and how the royals functioned. There were tutors of all sorts accompanying her and several other girls her age. Their role was to learn how to be a lady-in-waiting and learn it quick. Their subjects ranged from dancing and music to poems and philosophy. It was a difficult at first, as she knew nothing about being a proper lady. Her wit and desire to survive allowed her to surpass all trials and errors though. She had one goal in mind and that was what allowed her to continue on. When Amara turned 23, she and two others were sent to serve the Duchess Calista. They were to make their debut in Rothenburg, where Amara plotted to serve her vengeance. [/indent] [/hider]